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Everything posted by BillsFanM.D.

  1. This had me scratching my head. How is that possible? ....and sadly, it all makes 'sense' now.
  2. Here's 30 seconds of thought: Homerun throwback. Bickering Bills. "I am the Michael Jordan of the Bills." The Comeback. No Huddle. K Gun. Bruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuce. Flutie or Johnson? I can't stand Marcia Brady.... The Juice. Electric Company. Bermuda Triangle. The Halloween trade.
  3. If you're talking about me in terms of 'leftist' outrage you couldn't be more wrong. Just sayin.... And yes...the OWS crap is ridiculous.
  4. I never said I respected "Barry" the man....but he is mine and your President. I think that counts for something. I'd never support him politically but I can still be courteous to the elected leader of the country I live in. Take it a step further...don't most people deserve respect even if you can't stand them? I think you can be filled with fire about issues and still not 'hate' people. Booing the First Lady is a cheap shot in my view but I suspect I'll lose this argument here.
  5. How does affording the First Lady a modicum of respect equate to following 'lock step' with her principles....or anyone else's for that matter? My 2 pennies are that she is the wife of the President....and quiet applause or merely being silent are reasonable alternatives to booing the heck out of her. You're welcome to your opinion. I just don't agree with it. I guess since I don't agree with you I 'have to go away now.' As for some other comments about what it means to respect the office: It means when your kids ask questions about the President you explain to them why you agree or disagree with them.....rather than say he's an a@@hole or treat him like a 'god.' It means you tell them to be respectful but that it's ok to disagree...even passionately. For the record, I thought Joe Wilson was right/accurate when he shouted during Obama's address....but it was also classless and lacking respect for the Presidency.
  6. the Bills are what there record says they are.....a .500 team. I.e. not so good. I've said this in numerous threads before but every Sunday I 'believe' they will win. It's just getting harder to convince myself. Today was horrific.
  7. I was reading this as a serious analysis....then I saw the 'now' bolded statement and laughed. Then I realized again that it was serious...sigh.
  8. You're right....at least the last sentence. If the FLOTUS shows up for an event, she deserves common courtesy. There is no debate here. End thread. It's this classless approach to our leadership that needs to go. Regardless of political persuasion, you respect the office and all it represents. If you disagree with the current situation, as I do, you get behind what you believe in and then you vote accordingly.
  9. Ran into Thurman during a Bills game at Joe Robbie nearly a decade ago....after he retired. He had two bodyguards and was in the concourse. This was during the horrific uni period. I was sporting my authentic TT jersey in the 'old' style. I approached him full of 'courage' from the tailgating and he was all class. He asked the 'boys' guarding him to back off and allowed me to get right next to him......and all he knew was that I was a juiced up Bills fan at a game. Stopped and spoke with me for a few minutes and discussed how the old unis were so much better than what they were wearing on the field that day. It's always so random when you base your 'opinion' of a person on one encounter. I'm certain he's been a jerk as well but.....haven't we all??? I give him a thumbs up for my encounter.
  10. That's comedic gold...
  11. It's Leinert 'pouring a funnel.' Remember, he was the subject of a few questionable photos of this sort.
  12. As if there is ANY doubt....that has to make you smile! Awesome!!!
  13. fixed. It's all about the next election baby.....
  14. Awesome....I have nothing else to say other than I wish I had more hands....so I could give that post four thumbs up!
  15. Visceral....and true.
  16. Anyone know anyone who...."used to install microwave ovens?"
  17. Clearly his ONLY motivation was the cash.
  18. We had a shot in the fourth one as well. Up 13-6 and with the ball running it down the boys throats to start the second half. Thurman fumbles....and we fall apart. If he holds onto the ball...who knows? I've always felt Kelly wanted to be MVP of that game (XXV) more than he wanted to win. I LOVE Jim....but he needed to call his number a bit less....and Thurman's a bit more. With two down lineman on D we should have given it to Thurman 40 times rather than 15. Again...who knows?
  19. You cheer the guy....period. He was a decent kicker for us for a long time. IF he made that kick, he'd be viewed as the greatest kicker is bills history (with only 3 more career points). He made some big kicks for us and I refuse to accept that he was a terrible kicker. 47 yds off grass is no gimme. My concern when he lined up was the distance. He kicked the snot out of the ball.....the damn thing just never hooked. Such is life. And I assure you....no one feels as badly about it as him. GIVE THE GUY A BREAK....and a bit of closure.
  20. That was awesome. Great video...great player...great feeling watching it. Very well done!
  21. ...and don't forget XFL great Rod "He Hate Me" Smart.
  22. this actually all started with Christopher Columbus....
  23. My first thought is that you never know what is happening in a person's life. He may have very serious private reasons for wanting to leave football. It does leave his team in a tough spot but my 'gut' (as worthless as that is) tells me there may be a lot more to this story. Who knows???
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