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Everything posted by BillsFanM.D.

  1. Not gonna debate it beyond this but..... you don't USE your pectoral muscles to breathe unless it is in an accessory fashion due to increased demand or respiratory failure....and, even then, the pecs aren't the first to 'jump in' and they aren't much of a player at all. Don't confuse pain with inspiration related to overlying muscle injury with function/lack thereof. Not the same.
  2. uhhhh.....if you're using your pectoral muscles to breathe...you're likely in need of serious medical attention and a ventilator....soon.
  3. ....and who is gonna scribble his name on the check? Kidding....good for Ralph and good for us.
  4. Awesome news.....but HOLY CRAP I have a lot of work to catch up on.
  5. they should be warned to bludgeon themselves prior to venturing over there.... gotta thicken the skin a bit or it gets ugly quick.
  6. It's Kelsay holding it up....he won't give up the number.
  7. Post of the day....
  8. that's a great explanation. thanks. ....and in related news Dan's and Jerrah's lawyers are ordering pizza for the all nighter about to commence......4PM tomorrow is just a blink away. Better get busy boys!
  9. this stuff is gold....
  10. That's very, very cool! Good for him.
  11. Please define 'right back.' From my view, we'll be paying interest on that billion from now to ..........................
  12. Of all the "ralph" posts I've ever read here this is one of the best. Very well said in terms of how he will be viewed going forward. Now duck....here come the "he's made a billion dollars blah, blah, blah....." comments. I get that he's made a ton of money and he's been seemingly cheap at times. I've also seen him spend big time in the early "plan b" free agency (matching Denver's offer for Bruce for example) and spent up to and over the cap (amortization of signing bonuses) trying to keep the super bowl bills together. Ultimately that put us in the Salary Cap Jail we heard so much about in the late 90's. Either way folks view him...I think your post sums it up well. If Ralph 'leaves' us in a good position to retain the franchise....he will be a hero forever.
  13. Looks like the Monkey-man tried to stop it instantly (with a sharp and witty response)....
  14. Ah...that's gonna leave a mark.
  15. Amen to that. I asked my mom to get me a bike when I was a 10 yo kid (suffice it to say we had very little money) and I recall being shocked when she responded, "Yes." She quickly followed up, however, with....."when you raise half the money I'll pay the other half." I remember it like it was five minutes ago. 9 months and a paper route later....I got the bike. Kids, and adults, in this country need to work! I'm also thrilled to learn that 'student' athletes are choosing their institutions of higher learning based on the number the football team will assign them.
  16. The bigger issue here is why do people have to resort to nonsense all the time? Just tell the manager you disagree, let him know you are going to notify 'his boss' and walk away like an adult. The customers show their class with the 'mexicans' working in the store comment.......do they not realize how foolish they look?
  17. My 10 yo son was on youtube this AM before school watching highlights of that game. He's a history buff re: the team; though I think he's never seen them do anything good so he finds comfort this way. Either way, it never occurred to me that the anniversary was today.
  18. Wacky for sure. I can't believe the Colts did this. Wow. Nobody has 'success' every year. For obvious reasons, the Colts tanked this year. Everything (Offensively and Defensively) they did was predicated on Manning putting up points. Bill Polian has had way above average success in running franchises. There just aren't a lot of guys with his track record out there. This is nuts.
  19. I can't believe this hasn't been posted yet.... It's gotta be the shoes!!!
  20. very sad. Prayers for him and his family.
  21. that's serious stuff. Sadly, I have one of me like that....but I was 19.
  22. I have had 'this' one since 1988. I had to laugh when I opened your thread and read your item description. Nice!
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