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Everything posted by BillsFanM.D.

  1. Apparently the stock market is racist..... http://marketday.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/08/19/13339179-hate-mondays-seems-the-stock-market-does-too?lite
  2. "Y'all believe I'm this close to being President?"
  3. I 'saw' this gig one time. I think it was on the Chappelle show. No disrespect to Chappelle but I can imagine him 'playing' this guy and saying the exact same thing. Only difference is that he would intend it to be humorous.....unlike the clown who actually said it.
  4. Hope you're wrong....but I, unfortunately, think you might be correct in your forward thinking. For now...let's just get the heck out of there and continue to drone as deemed necessary.
  5. that's a bit suspicious given your screen surname... ...though, in this case, your point is well taken.
  6. some good ones in here....but the Haynesworth comment made me look like Gailey in the photo. Strong work Jauronimo.
  7. 'DA Fridge.....or maybe 'DA mini-Ditka.
  8. I was there today as well. I thought Young looked solid today and, IMHO, a clear notch above Thigpen. Loved seeing Gilmore on the field early. Lots of special teams stuff today that limited the 'fun' a bit for a visitor like me. Still a cool day. Best part was my son getting his Fitz jersey signed by the man himself. Very classy guy who took a LOT of time to sign autographs at the end of practice. Kudos to him creating lifelong memories for a bunch of kids!! I know it doesn't mean squat re: performance but it makes it very easy to root for a guy like that.
  9. Breakfast of champions baby! Wait.... AFC champions anyway..... sigh.
  10. So Sorry Cotton. I am thankful she was born on your birthday ....and got to spend Father's day with you as you said. As a fellow dad, my heart breaks for you and your wife right now. Prayers will continue for you!! Thinking of you all!
  11. Prayers continue for your entire family! Please know there are a lot of people pulling for you!
  12. Doc....be careful. You're in enough trouble around these parts.
  13. No you're not. Keep thumping away. We're all here cheering for all of you!
  14. Just saw this. Prayers for you, your wife, your son and your 'little' girl. I have four kids myself...including one who overcame fairly miraculous odds to survive. I'll be praying....and rooting for you all!
  15. Peace? interesting choice of words. So doctors are "the biggest hypocrites in the world." "Distasteful." "Easy money" folks. We "charge too much." You 'enjoy making your family doctor squirm.' "Doctors should go to med school....but live like others." Certainly nothing there to instigate a pissing match which you so 'desperately' want to avoid....shortly after calling me a whiner and then telling me that your personal sacrifices are so much greater than mine etc. How so? They may, in fact be....just curious as to how you know? I have made zero comments about your profession as I have no idea what toll it takes on you or your family. Hypocritical much? My point in jumping in was that this was a conversation about my field and about everyone living the 'same.' I.e. work hard and get rewarded or do far less...and be equally rewarded. 1. Simply stating that doctors are 'gouging' the patients is so generically false. Again....capitation? full risk practice? medicare allowable? 2. "Go to med school sure....but doctors should live as others live". does the inverse apply? ....suck the gov't teet....and live as others live? If you have excelled in your field...congrats. You should be rewarded accordingly. I won't begrudge you one bit. 3. You need to do the math again. I essentially have two 30 yr mortgages. One for my house and one for my 'career.' For the record....I drive a 2004 Explorer....paid for. In addition....the math for my age was 'there' if you had looked. I've been out of residency 12 years and started at 29. That's 41....just in case. 4. Timeline? I'll be working far into my 60's though I'm hoping 65. Part of my beef is the time and money physicians (most) have to invest to even start their career. As I said, many of my friends started their careers far earlier; with far less debt; and have much better long term financial prospects. Considering I graduated Med school in late 90's....I'm 14 yrs into that 'timeline' now. Guess I'll be retiring next year....right??????? I am just now starting to bite into the 160K principle I had to borrow for med school...never mind college. Try again. Looks more like a 35 yr timeline. Not to mention I have to save my own retirement. No gov't annuity to fall in my lap....but that's another story about how 'unfair' reimbursement is in certain professions. 5. So....docs are only allowed to go to med school to 'help people.' Pure altruism. Yet we docs are 'creating the health care crisis in this country by digging ourselves a hole and then scoring later money.' So.....how am I to 'help people' if I don't borrow money to get my education?' That's right....it's the damn system. I'll agree with that to this extent...... Medical educations cost too much money. 6. Privilege was used as 'sarcasm.' I.e I borrowed huge money to get through med school....and then racked up thousands and thousands in interest while working as an indentured servant....errr....resident. What a 'privilege.' An no...I never said anything specific about anyone else's job or sacrifice...I leave that to you.....Including the slob comment. My father was a custodian. I learned a lot from him about working hard. 7. Spend and tax? Charge the customers more? Again....clear documentation that you don't understand medical billing. And I'm not gonna explain it. Borrow the money and get an education in medical billing if you're interested. 8. Never asked for your sympathy. I merely wanted to defend my field and provide 'one' example of sacrifice. based on 'my' experiences, I'd be pretty upset if people who are clearly along for the ride are afforded the same type of compensation as someone gave up years to acquire a skill or trade to make themselves more marketable. As you stated, you have given far more than me. Go tell your boss to give you a raise. Since you seem to think that doctors control reimbursement....... perhaps the same applies in your field. From my perspective....Docs are a cross section of society. Good, bad, drunk, sober, happy, depressed, faithful, cheating, fair and crooked....just like everyone else. But you already knew that. Just like you know I'm a hypocrite, a gouger, a distasteful human being, and a whiner....in addition to knowing the exact motivation for my going to med school and my presumed retirement date. Keep firing in every direction. you'll hit something eventually. Seriously? to borrow your term.... LMFAO! I'm turning this back over to you Doc.....I just remembered why I don't post much.
  16. Mr. Exiled....your premise is laughable. I'll live 'like others' when they've sacrificed what I ( and many others ) have sacrificed.... Did you sacrifice what are arguably the 'prime' years of life studying, working inhumane hours and borrowing money for the 'privilege' to do so? Then you get the 'joy' of making 30K a year to work 80 plus hours per week as a resident for 3 or 4 or 5 or more years. Yeah...Yeah...I know they've put a cap on that but it doesn't help me any. Regardless...do the math. It comes out to a whopping 15k per yr based on 40 hr week. Meanwhile....all the other people I'm supposed to 'live like' started careers much earlier with far less debt, and many are far better off financially than I am. But then you finally start your career at the ripe age of 30ish...provided you did nothing but go to school your whole life. There I was about 12 yrs ago....'raking' 115,000K per year as a family doc. Too bad I owed more than double that for my education (yes that's double) and my malpractice insurance started at 15K per year for a 250/750 policy (which is very little protection) which matured in five years to cost 25K per year. I was in a very terrible state (FL) for malpractice and it is certainly more costly there but the message is the same. Do the math joker.....Let's just say I don't drive a BMW. Lastly your understanding of billing is concerning. You do realize I can bill whatever I want.....but it doesn't mean I'm gonna get paid that. Medicare allowable??? Who do you think sets the rates? Ever hear of a full risk practice.....you know, the ones where you can actually LOSE money on a month to month basis? Capitation anyone?
  17. thanks for posting this. I'll concur...he's easy to root for.
  18. How 'bout a courtesy flush?
  19. sure he does....there's always the Physical therapist who 'fitted' him to the wrong device...not to mention the doctor who referred him there as that clearly shows a lack of judgement and competence. In addition, you think McDonald's is getting off free here. No chance....
  20. I read yours...and wondered myself how the conversation shifted to drafting a RB....rather than improving their performance with improved OL. We almost have to get a LT at 10 unless Nix does something pre/during draft. We'll see.
  21. What did you say Chrissy?
  22. That is as crappy as the legislation being discussed here. You'd better duck...you might get hit with a bottle of wine.
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