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Everything posted by BillsFanM.D.

  1. we've seen this before...... "my quarterback" that is.
  2. Why does this point always escape BO supporters? In fairness, (seriously), Obama had the voter's mandate; both houses of congress and the 'affection' of most of the world when he took office. To argue the 'blocker' mentality is weak with respect to this particular presidency.
  3. This is the stupidest thing I've seen on this board in a while....and that's saying something. I think it's fair to say that Bush has answered plenty of questions in 8 years without an earpiece or a teleprompter; regardless of whatever it is you think you see in these photos. Even BO has done a few sans his 'machine.' For the sake of argument, is it any better that the "VOTE" at the DNC on the God issue was read directly from the teleprompter? Is that 'cheating?' Or does it just apply to Bush bad phenomena? They mocked the entire democratic process..... with the whole world watching (and reading along with them) and come out smiling like nobody would notice. How can you take that seriously? I'm not gonna ask for any 'secret' information....just go watch your own convention.
  4. Not so sure...there's some pretty 'successful' coaches in chess.
  5. Very true. He was exceptional getting downfield today. Sometimes the linemen get lost in the 'shuffle' of the game. Mr. Glenn was impossible to miss today. Great game.
  6. Thank you Mr. Hammersticks. I was (barely) quick enough to spit my coffee away from my keyboard.......that's some funny stuff.
  7. 40. My big bro was a huge OJ fan. I 'liked' the Bills as I wanted to be like my brother (first mistake). He then 'followed' OJ to the Niners and became a 49er fan. I didn't follow him (second mistake). Naaah...forget that. I love the Bills! Even if they suck....they're still 'ours.'
  8. I'm not typically a 'responder' to the 'would ya?' threads but on this on let me say........HELL NO. She's straight out of The Exorcist
  9. I was a third year resident...ahh...it's all painful memories back then.
  10. True. There is nothing in the world that conditioning or strength training could do to prevent an injury like that. The knee gets hit in an awkward position and 'something' has to give. I don't care if you are a slob or an athlete....the injury happens. The ability to recover may be different based on baseline conditioning etc. but, even then, it tends to follow 'standards' with respect to time etc. This is more bad luck than anything else. Wrong position; wrong time.
  11. You magnificent bastard....why didn't I think of that?
  12. Where else would you rather be than right here....next week?
  13. I'm not gonna say we 'failed' signing the guy after one game....and I'm still very happy he's on 'my' team. The Jets were wise to ditch the ball quick. However, the few times Sanchez held the ball a bit I saw nothing even resembling a 'pressure' from Mario. You expect an all pro to be blowing up a practice squad guy (and even some double teams) to at least move the QB in the pocket. Even considering the chipping, doubles that 'great' players receive....they usually generate a few exciting plays a game or open things up significantly for others. It was not a great effort and definitely not what I was hoping to see on opening day. Rich Gannon said the Bills front four 'might' represent the best D line in the league and I didn't think that was hyperbole pre-game. I hope he's proven right over the season.
  14. You've got a point. I was more speaking to 'my' youth. The 2k's were putrid as well.
  15. Stevie beat him a few times....Revis broke up some plays nicely and made a pick. Nobody 'owned' anyone between those two today. Fitz owned that mess.
  16. 40....anybody got a time machine? 0 for the Dolphins 70's? The mid 80's were no birthday gift either.
  17. lateral collateral ligament. 'band' of support on the outer part of the knee. Injury to this or the MCL is not nearly as bad as ACL or PCL tear. Typically nonsurgical treatment and healing for the 'outer' ligaments vs surg repair for the 'inner' ones. Whether this is strained or torn likely won't change the therapy if it only involves the LCL. These are often nonsurgical as I said. He'd be out for some time regardless but not necessarily done for the year like an ACL. If he has cartilage torn with it, however, or other internal ligament damage......
  18. I'll agree with most of this. I'm not sure, however, that Kyle and Darius dominated on 'passing' plays. There was no real push from any of the defensive lineman on passing plays all game. I cannot recall consistent pressure up the middle (though I'm not about to watch that abomination again to find out). They certainly bottled up Tebow and rushing game for the most part. You have to add Mckelvin to your list of negative takeaways. He was horrific.
  19. Absolutely. There was six minutes to go. Figures Tebow would catch the onsider. And yes...I then wanted to shoot myself for 'hoping.'
  20. what a kid! His family must be thrilled with his thoughtfulness. Great story.
  21. I can personally attest to this. My daughter suffered many complications after surgery for congenital heart disease and was listed for transplant while an inpatient. Due to neuro complications she was a long shot for transplant but the scarcity of donors in that age group is profound (thankfully so as nobody wants 'lots' of available donors in this age group). My daughter survived w/o a transplant and has some chronic cardiac conditions. Suffice it to say, had her condition continued to worsen, she would likely have died on the wait list.....despite our 'good' insurance. And I saw it happen to other families a few times during our three months in the hospital. Rob's right here....this is BS. Worse than that, it's political BS/scare tactics.
  22. Construction workers....always farting around.
  23. That was impressive.
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