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Everything posted by BillsFanM.D.

  1. I bet there's a couple of Genies in those bottles.....
  2. I read your reply last night and that's how I interpreted it. Today, I saw your 'bag on head' reply and figured you were being sarcastic. As a result, I 'borrowed' your question. I'll be bold here and apologize. I try not to be an 'azz' on here. Mea culpa.
  3. why are there so many !@#$s on this board? especially in ppp?
  4. Only post today?
  5. I know you 'went' with the Wilbur reference but all I can think of is Kramer yelling......."Rusty.....Rusty." Sad man...this horse-o-phile.
  6. Awesome story. I saw him live a few times. Funny man.
  7. Absurd behavior by this 'teacher.' I had a great civics teacher in high school. She encouraged debate in the class on all sorts of issues and, to this day, I still have no clue which way she leans politically.
  8. Romney crushed him. It was fairly obvious. Facts, body-language, fluidity of speech,....etc. He was superior throughout the debate. Romney now has some 'momentum' for the first time in a while..... with even MSM acknowledging his performance. I think Joe Biden woke up with a huge knot in his stomach this morning. If Ryan can put on a Romney like performance (or if Biden simply is Biden) then the pendulum will have seriously swung in the direction of the challengers.
  9. It might also have something to do with the gov't taking a lot more money from those folks if Obamacare remains intact. The TAXES in this legislation are not at all insignificant.
  10. Probably.... but the pumpkin is probably still ashamed of the hat.....
  11. I concur. I've read a bunch of stuff about how this 'cheapens' the game and that's it's unfair to others. It's one at bat against a team that is also not going to the playoffs. It's a guy who was drilled in the head years ago in his only major league appearance.....and has since suffered physical ailments since. Great move, great story....and R.A. Dickey said it best. To paraphrase...."It was important that we treated this as a major league at bat." I.e. He gave no slack whatsoever and pitched to him like anyone else.
  12. One game at a time.....
  13. Right now he seems to be playing as if he has no 'sack.' I'm still glad we signed him though and it's way too early to judge. Your analysis is interesting. Here's hoping he can be a bit more 'consistent.'
  14. No more rhymes and I mean it....... Anybody want a peanut?
  15. ran my first marathon yesterday morning....I'm afraid I tapped into and used all the 'good' energy.
  16. we've significantly upgraded talent level under Nix. I don't think that's up for debate. Coaching....not so sure.
  17. You beat me to it... I was scanning the thread for this. Old school....
  18. Seems like a decent human being from afar.... He had highs and lows as a coach.
  19. That's pretty cool. good effort....you barbarian.
  20. that's really funny. Though I agreed with the original poster...People would go nuts if he was a Bill.... but since he's still a Patriot..... this is even better.
  21. Well the Tsunami and Katrina were 'clearly' Bush's fault so.....
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