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Everything posted by BillsFanM.D.

  1. "Voter registration in the Buckeye State is down by 490,000 people from four years ago. Of that reduction, 44 percent is in Cleveland and surrounding Cuyahoga County, where Democrats outnumber Republicans more than two to one." Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/09/27/drop-in-ohio-voter-registration-especially-in-dem-strongholds-mirrors/?intcmp=obinsite#ixzz28qiy2Pw8
  2. Lunatic Fringe....nice! If they play this song in the locker room and still come out flat.....they're hopeless.
  3. Seriously! With the cheesy shadow figure of Big Bird and the booming "Big Guy" movie voice....this could have easily aired on SNL.
  4. Young lady screams with delight......"There's my Hypnotoad!"
  5. no need to insult Carrot Top....just go with the original.
  6. Fair enough...but she still should not be fired. Especially if she's been a 'model' employee for the school district.
  7. Seems like a bunch of garbage to me. She did nothing wrong. Disclosed the entire history at time of hire.
  8. Not endorsing any behavior here....but that's a funny line!
  9. Crazy end to the race. Glad to see Stewart accept blame as he was clearly blocking at the end. Of course, he's one of the more honorable guys about this type of stuff. More glad that nobody was seriously hurt....or killed. Don't look now....but the 24 is creeping up.
  10. I'll be rooting for them next week. I certainly would never want them to move. Their play this year, however, deserves some strong criticism. Regardless of how you feel (individually) about any of the above......none of these issues are mutually inclusive.
  11. He certainly hasn't done anything to help. I like/root for him but it's getting harder every week. He was awful today. Period.
  12. There has been a lot of 'moping' around today...even before we were blown out. Like they're waiting for the inevitable. No passion; no fire; no game day attitude. That's the number one job of the HC imho.
  13. We've been outscored 75-17 last five plus quarters.
  14. I agree. I think our overall talent level has been greatly upgraded since Nix took over. Coaching/motivating has to be a huge factor here. That....and the fact that its a QB driven league.
  15. At least our D 'toughens' up on third down.... /sarcasm.
  16. Who? Seriously...I hope we find out his wrist has been broken.....or something.
  17. I badly want Fitz to succeed...but I'm ready to see someone else in this game (at least).
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