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Everything posted by BillsFanM.D.

  1. Well, if nothing else, he seems to appreciate the opportunity. Hopefully, it translates to the field. He'll definitely be vocal and that can't hurt.
  2. Without any data to back it up....but having watched many Yankee games for the last 40 yrs......it seems to me that the biggest change is in the "luxury"seats around home plate/infield. At the old stadium, those seats were always full. In the new park, they can be near capacity overall but the TV shots look horrible because there are so many unfilled ground level seats in the infield/lower level. I particularly remember watching games in their first season at the new stadium and thinking how bad it looked. When the new stadium opened they jacked those prices WAY up....even by Yankee stadium standards. http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/news/story?id=3305979
  3. If nothing else, Fitz has proved to be very streaky (or inconsistent if you prefer half full glass). We could certainly upgrade the position long term but he's the Bills QB for the forseeable future. I.e. next week at least. Hopefully, he gets on a roll.
  4. Exactly. Not sure he's the 'best' but he's always in the conversation.....and I can't stand him (unless he was on our team of course).
  5. This was the greatest invention ever. Sadly, my most vivid memories are those of my brother walking by and quickly hitting the game reset switch just to be a jerk. Most of the time, this occurred after hours of play.
  6. Levitre first....
  7. Mario played very well. I look forward to him turning it up further next week against the Titans at home. Moore was a very, very pleasant surprise. He had great burst around the corner and looked better than Anderson had in pass rushing situations. He looked as though he could be a legit pass rusher. Time will tell.
  8. I liked them.
  9. You take your logic and common sense and get out of here..... Nice post.
  10. Worst attempt at troll post ever....
  11. so true. They could be 0-15 and I'd still watch. Not saying it would be fun...but I'd watch.
  12. Remember...... the guy is dealing with very recent tragedy in his family. There are no 'rules' for how one copes with those type of things. He may not be all that 'into' his job right now. I know he makes millions etc, but he is also human.
  13. Awful...
  14. That one 'rule' alone will kill you!! Good luck!
  15. This can be explained with the following......Al Gore only recently invented the internet and this creates a selection/search bias with current events vs remote history.
  16. Lets start with this. He issued a statement about how he would look at spending. His 'policy' would be to ask himself if program X was worth borrowing money from China to pay for it. If it was not..... then he would cut it. Go ahead now and argue against that 'common sense' policy. He then cited PBS as an example. He has also said that he would negotiate which cuts needed to be made with congress. Strange concept....negotiating with Congress rather than ramming legislation down everyone's throat. Face it...there are folks in this country that want less government, less taxes and more self responsibility (to generalize quite a bit). Cutting spending is necessary. Growing the economy is necessary. Alternatively, raising taxes is going to create major problems. Read the letter from David Siegal that you've been referencing today. Businessmen all over the country ARE going to modify their behavior one way or another based on this election. With final respect to lies....today is not the day for you to be harping on Romney. The President more serious cover ups to attend to.
  17. I concur. 1000%. Yet, I'm still dumfounded that they are actually trying to pull off this 180. This is beyond brash. They are literally lying (we never concluded...) about their own lies (this was a spontaneous event). Rice, Clinton and Obama all joined in the apology/movie game. Meanwhile, the Libyan President stated very openly that the movie 'had nothing to do with the attack.' They beat this drum for two weeks and now we get this. Unbelievable.
  18. Them denying that fact ......makes as much sense as them currently denying their prior 'conclusions.' Having said that, I suspect she will swept away to some foreign country soon enough. Never to be heard from again....whoever she is/was.
  19. "The State Department denied Tuesday it ever concluded that the deadly consulate attack Sept. 11 in Libya was an unplanned outburst prompted by an anti-Islam movie, despite public statements early on by some in the Obama administration suggesting that was the case. The Obama administration used that explanation for more than a week after assailants killed the U.S. ambassador to Libya and three other Americans. Most notably, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, Susan Rice, said in several TV interviews five days after the attack that it appeared to be "spontaneous" violence spinning out of protests of the film." Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/10/10/state-department-denies-concluding-film-sparked-consulate-attack-in-libya/#ixzz28tnZ4zV0 Just keeps getting better. Sure....Romney's the liar.
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