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Everything posted by BillsFanM.D.

  1. I'm with you on all three. As for the bandwagon claims I get the same response. Someone invariably will ask me about the Yanks and Lakers and give me a bunch of crap about it.....then they find out I'm crazy about the Bills....and the response is...."Oh."
  2. Nice post. The guy was an animal. Great player.
  3. You got a bit of Mississippi leg hound in you?
  4. I found myself sad....then very angry....then very sad. That kid is exhibiting raw human innocence. Hard to capture except for very difficult situations. Again....very sad.
  5. Wow...I misread the first line and thought the guys 'name' was 'violentcrayonz.' For a second I thought this board was going to get a whole lot more interesting.
  6. Clubber never gets old.... Bills win going away. 38-10
  7. Federal authorities arrested a Bangladeshi national Wednesday morning for allegedly plotting to blow up a Federal Reserve Bank in New York City's lower Manhattan, mere blocks away from the site of the terrorist attack of Sept. 11, 2001. The bank is one of 12 branches around the country. The 21-year-old suspect, Quazi Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis, attempted to detonate what he thought was a 1,000-pound bomb in front of the Fed building on Liberty Street, but the device was a fake supplied to him by undercover FBI agents who had been tracking his activity, the FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force said Wednesday afternoon. Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/10/17/feds-arrest-man-who-tried-to-blow-up-federal-reserve-bank-in-nyc-sources-say/#ixzz29amcdNMr Score one for the USA.
  8. I'm not gonna read the whole thread but I'd venture this has been done..... "something nice about Mckelvin."
  9. Happy Birthday....to both of you! Sorry Buftex. "anniversary" dates and birthdays are never easy. Hang in there!
  10. Click the link in Gary's post 531...or here http://www.dailymail...end-e-card.html
  11. Seriously...between that tweet and the "lady parts" e-card Obama has done it again. He's made himself a victim. Hopefully, he doesn't figure out that the perpetrator is his own ignorance.
  12. This guy will do anything to keep the nation off topic. The topic being his policy failures. This is, as you said, just embarrassing. This tweet belong in the "lowering the bar" thread.
  13. Chad Vader's version of chocolate rain was pretty good too. I have to agree on Marcia. I posted in another thread about how I 'hate' him but he's always in the conversation about 'the best ever' and that we'd all love him if he was a Bill. The guy can play. Now...let's get back to laughing at his dancing.
  14. The Brady thing is great...He may look like him, but Vanilla Ice would 'wax that chump like a candle' in a dance competition.
  15. Never knew it was an actual quote in the 'real' political realm. Should have known better......especially since I grew up in one of 'those' sections of Pennsyltucky.
  16. I just saw a Ford Taurus back firing down the highway....George Seifert was driving and I swore I heard him say something about dinner reservations.
  17. There's an old joke about this. What is Pennsylvania? It's Pittsburgh in the west.....Philly in the east....and Alabama right down the middle.
  18. Are you sure? It's very 'foggy' in these situations.
  19. You're right. Falling on the sword would imply someone actually 'takes a hit.' Hillary isn't going anywhere. The spin you pointed out is a nice out for everyone. BO gets to distance himself from this mess in the debate tonight because "as you heard Hillary say...I was not directly involved....." Hillary 'takes responsibility' in a very nebulous manner in the midst of this 'fog' and, theoretically, four years from now she is no worse off. They can complain about/rely on the 'initial confusion' to a very small degree. To extend that beyond 24 to maybe 48 hours is disingenuous. Obama may not have been 'directly involved' immediately..... but he and his team were apologizing and video promoting afterwards. Susan Rice was told what to say....and they weren't her words. Obama's entire motivation seems to have been one of trying to make this look like anything but a terrorist attack. Politicizing indeed......
  20. Not really. The guy was an offensive coach for well over a decade....was appointed D coordinator by Reid before last season though he had no coaching experience on that side of the ball. They had a terrible year last year and 'everyone' was calling for the guy's head last year. Reid kept him despite criticism from many directions....only to create mid season chaos by firing him this year. If Philly was 'different' in this scenario, the guy would have been canned immediately after last year. In fact, this was handled in a very "Buffalo" like manner....
  21. There's a joke about Guam here somewhere....
  22. "Secretary of State Hillary Clinton took responsibility Monday night for any security failures leading up to the consulate attack last month in Libya that killed an the American ambassador, but she seemed to push back against claims of a cover-up, blaming the "fog of war" for the Obama administration's shifting explanations for the attack." Read more: http://www.foxnews.c.../#ixzz29QBVmmje Yes...the 'fog of war' that lasted nearly two weeks after this incident. The 'fog of war' that everyone knew was BS. The 'fog of war' video that had nothing to do with a pre-meditated attack. The 'fog of war' that the Libyan president said 'had nothing to do with a video.' The 'fog of election season war' that prevented any reasonable conclusions.
  23. That was a great moment....but for me this was better. Sierra and Mattingly back to back. The video is not great but you can tell the stadium was rocking. Mattingly at the 2:25 mark. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQxwJjoiZIc&playnext=1&list=PLB2A4DCD78C2CF4B0&feature=results_video
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