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Everything posted by BillsFanM.D.

  1. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck...if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
  2. In the very general sense, special teamers are often marginal NFL players who don't see the field much. Every play they are involved in is a shot to let coaches know they deserve the roster spot. Hence, motivation probably less of a concern. They want to keep living the dream....and most have little guarantees. Just my guess...
  3. Here's a quote from the site: "A highly competent public urination lawyer should be able to obtain an ACD or dismissal in many instances, and under no circumstances will allow a client to plead guilty to or be found guilty of a misdemeanor public urination."
  4. I've seen this 'logic' elsewhere....
  5. Does anyone find this a very bizarre time to release a 'formal' plan? Regardless of content (pro or con), and as a Romney supporter, I see it as a 'good' thing. It comes off like arriving in the 8th inning of a baseball game.....where you are the manager.
  6. He's already hit one critical number....50% nationally. "The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows Mitt Romney attracting support from 50% of voters nationwide, while President Obama earns the vote from 46%. One percent (1%) prefers some other candidate, and two percent (2%) are undecided." http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/obama_administration/daily_presidential_tracking_poll
  7. I thought Romney did very well. His best line of night was calling out Obama on his off mic comment about flexibility after election. Obama looked/sounded like the pursuer. Collectively, Romney won the debates. Last night was not a huge win...but it didn't have to be. To borrow a line from Rounders.....''he took out one of Obama's legs in the first debate and then simply had to lean on him.'' Momentum maintained.
  8. Yeah... what a bunch of 'Mularky' that was. Seriously, I agree. That was my instant thought when I read the question. Playoffs on the line...and we got smoked by Pittsburgh's scrubs.
  9. He attacked Obama with his own record on the Arab spring; bludgeoned him w the comment on having flexibility 'after' the election; spoke against the policies of the last four yrs which many view as a failure; and pointed out how obama's deficit spending will negatively impact our nations security. He also detailed the abuses of China and how he would approach them. Romney did what he had to do and won the overall collective 'debates.'
  10. No question there. Seemed most questions were spun to party platforms and domestic 'impact' of foreign policy. It was a cleaner debate than the second.... and one I thought Romney clearly won. Just my 2 pennies.
  11. With 8 mins to go...mitt has a solid, if not spectacular, lead. If he nails the close.... he wins this debate without question.
  12. That was surely Freudian...
  13. There is no question Romney has landed bigger shots.
  14. Romney hammering him on his unifying policies w talking with dictators.
  15. Great point. It's not as if the average voter is tuned into the second half of the third presidential debate.
  16. Obama looking snippy at Mitt as he described success of Mass education.
  17. Agreed. Only a fraction of folks are still truly undecided and unless Romney falls on his face ......he will have won 'the debate season.'
  18. Biggest blow delivered so far. Well timed use of obama's open mic mistake.
  19. Ahh...you never know though I can appreciate your apprehension. Statistically, your guess is the right bet. Having lived through the Bickering Bills of '89, however, I can assure you that sometimes calling out your teammates publicly can lead to very great things.
  20. Kyle Williams more or less had the same sentiment. Not only are they basically calling guys out....but they're throwing lit matches in the powder keg of a frustrated locker room. There is a fine line between calling challenging teammates and being a whiner who 'talks through the media.' I have no issue with what they said. I think it was spot on. However, it will be interesting to watch if this team solidifies/unites or implodes.....
  21. He needs to tell us how he really feels about Wanny. "Jimmy Johnson's caddy.." ouch!!
  22. I said the same thing in the gameday thread. I don't understand how you let 30 secs tick away there.
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