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Everything posted by BillsFanM.D.

  1. Nice efforts!
  2. Most of them are 'known' and without any serious question and not 'newsworthy'. The 'big ones' are those the likes of Powell and, in the past, Joe Lieberman. Those types naturally draw more attention.
  3. Poor Joe...these guys/gals certainly have more opportunity than most to 'goof' ....but he's very good at it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EfIdv52nDyQ&feature=player_embedded
  4. That's a more logical conclusion. A write up on Powell's book. http://www.huffingto..._n_1503592.html The debate on the intel can go on forever. The assertion that Powell lied under 'orders' is false. An excerpt below: All in all, Powell acknowledges that the speech was “one of my most momentous failures, the one with the widest-ranging impact.” But he also concludes that “every senior U.S. official would have made the exact same case,” He adds: “I get mad when bloggers accuse me of lying -- of knowing the information was false. I didn’t.”
  5. It's not about high and mighty conservatives. I could care less about this commercial...other than to laugh at it. This is about a President who campaigns as a 'champion of women' and characterizes his opponent as waging a war on them. Obama is the one claiming the high ground in that respect.... and he then rolls out this type of ad. He's talking out both sides of his mouth.
  6. Regrets it why? Because he 'lied' .....or because the intel wasn't perfect? Your post suggests he lied under 'orders.'
  7. Very well done....
  8. wow...this is soooooooooo Presidential. Like totally.
  9. I agree. They would be less likely to worry about their 'legacy' (errrr...electability) and more concerned about making the most of their 'short time' in Washington. The political parties, however, would still be 'in line' and that would blunt the effectiveness somewhat.
  10. that and tracking tail numbers on airplanes via the internet....
  11. Maybe. But perception is reality to a point. On the other side of the coin.....If a truly 'undecided' voter is turned off by 'transcript and birther stories' then this becomes a personal attack on the President. Whether valid or not, these stories will be interpreted by some as 'cheap politics.' Obama wins....and the more the 'free story' gets mentioned.....the more Obama is just 'being mistreated and unfairly characterized.' Just depends on the individual's take of the request/proposal....and that can be completely independent of Obama's response(s). Donald's clearly not dumb...but he's brash. Romney has been gaining footing, in some respects, because of his 'cool' Presidential demeanor. He refused to wade into the mud in the last debate. Trump brings the mud right up to the steps of the White House. In my opinion, Obama has enough policy failures to focus on and Trump, in this instance, is distracting from that.
  12. It was a good joke...now finish the punch line and take the 5million for charity. And since Jay mentioned Letterman...... http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2012/10/24/letterman_obama_not_telling_the_truth_about_romney_and_auto_bailout.html
  13. No question they've been hot. Verlander may not have had his best night but he wasn't throwing beach balls to anyone. The Scutaro at bat in the third was awesome. Runner on second; two out and Verlander was cranking it up big time. It was an out he 'needed' and he knew it. Scutaro fouled off some serious fastballs.... and then stayed back on a curve....and tagged it. Nothing cheap about that at bat.
  14. Offensively they may have been. Don't know/care to look up stats on D but that was the year Bruce limped around on one knee/missed a bunch of games and was a shell of himself in Super Bowl vs Washington. As for the poll question...Bills crush this Pats team.
  15. Figured you knew better but I thought you were building up for some great sarcasm...or something. And Spielman.....was awesome. One of those 'always in the right spot' guys that we could certainly use now.
  16. after we spend many millions prosecuting them; "reforming" them; educating them..... and only after they commit their second homicide as adults.....maybe. This is very sad.
  17. I love the caller ID that comes up.... "Not provided" and "out of area." My response to these two things: "Not provided.....Not answered." "Out of area....Out of luck."
  18. Absolutely. We don't even know if he 'needs' surgery or diagnosis. As I said...I just hope 'it' works. Whatever 'it' was.
  19. It's possible...especially if it was done via scopes and not a big incision. I'm clearly guessing to answer the 'procedure' question...and your scenario is plausible as well. I just hope 'it' works.
  20. How do you define procedure? I can't imagine he had anything surgically done.....knowing the expectation is that he's back this week. Lets' ASSUME for a minute that he has a serious injury (i.e. something structurally torn/damaged): I think the conversation would go something like this.... Doc: you probably need surgery...but you'll be out for a while. Mario: any other options? Doc: we could try a cortisone shot to reduce the inflammation in the joint/tendon etc. then surgery for definitive fix after the season. Mario: will it work? Doc: there's always a chance (the chances are better if there is nothing structurally wrong) Mario: let's try that first. So...he gets his procedure (cortisone shot) and he's back practicing in days. Obviously we don't know what is going on. I'm just pointing out one possible scenario where he could get a 'procedure' done and be back on the field very quickly.
  21. come on now...we know where this money will come from.
  22. This just 'victimizes' Obama as OC had previously alluded to. Now the President can rise 'above' instead of answering to his own record.....for at least a few hours anyway. Trump should stay out of the way right now....and since when is a proposal a 'story?'
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