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Everything posted by BillsFanM.D.

  1. "Each state has "peacefully" asked to be removed from the United States of America so that they can create their own government. As of Monday evening, Texas has reached the threshold with over 32,000 votes. Louisiana has approximately 18,000 signatures and needs 7,000 more by December 7." http://www.examiner....hold-signatures
  2. You're not going to get any argument from me. That's some funny stuff.
  3. I've always liked Jeff...and he's finally giving Boyer a bit of what he's been giving all season. I don't like how it 'may' have affected Boyer's remote shot at a title though. I would have rather seen Jeff race him hard the last lap and then bury him in the wall post race. I think it would have actually been more entertaining and dramatic.
  4. Very true and it applies to all phases of medicine. I use an expression with med students all the time...."Know what you know...know what you don't....and know when to ask for help."
  5. This weekend is going to be very interesting....
  6. just saw this. Rubes gave you good advice.
  7. LOL. Not really. Parents were actually well below 'average income.' Mom had a great rule. If I wanted something....I had to pay for half. I saved the 'snow shoveling' cash for the entire first album myself and she bought me the other.
  8. How 'bout it? I'm sure his teammates get a bit sick of the over the top yelling he does.
  9. I rarely complain about ref conspiracies but this is highly questionable... They call the wrong penalty (illegal contact vs pass interference) and they call PI on a ball in the seats..
  10. 1. Kiss---Dressed to Kill. 2. Billy Joel---Glass Houses I bought them at the same time.....
  11. Polls close later in panhandle based on time zone difference...correct?
  12. Yes. Three letter words are used. J-O-B-S. Very complex. Both parties have people who butcher the language and the delivery. These professors need to get off their intellectual....ummm....horse. Interestingly, my dad was a janitor. Probably a lot smarter than some of those jackazzes.
  13. Yet there are folks that defend them....vigorously. I'm no expert.... But I've tried to learn what I can and it doesn't make sense based on the math/projected turnout. I've read OC's stuff here and, frankly, its made more sense than any other 'description' I've read elsewhere. Both in terms of the folly inherent in these poll sampling and the fact that the "top" of them doesn't make sense with the breakouts/internals. I'm not sure about the administration wagging the dog on this one but it is plausible. It creates pseudo enthusiasm/concern and may 'get out the vote.' But I can't imagine the turnout will be as D+ as these polls suggest. good news is....we find out soon enough. I'm with you...I think Romney wins.
  14. Who's not liking the thread on the main board? I was looking forward to all kinds of shenanigans here today.
  15. Easy seamless voting for me this morning. I happily report no thuggery or 'anti-American' behavior.'
  16. Tim the Enchanter! I'd favor the Grail over Rocky Horror anyday.
  17. I've seen you post this a few times and, at some point, Mario will 'bust' the trend or confirm it. It certainly isn't a small sample and I think you can argue reasonably that he has been 'better' on grass. It's also an 'original' thought to discuss here. One thought is that Mario has more success on grass (where offensive footing is less reliable) because he is a bull rusher. Keep harping.
  18. Machines are definitely favoring Romney...no question. http://www.examiner.com/article/voting-machines-kansas-ohio-reportedly-changing-romney-votes-to-obama http://www.wnd.com/2012/10/more-ballots-for-romney-come-up-obama/
  19. True.... I also wonder about the waitress/waiter perhaps being a single parent.....making sub minimum wage "plus tips."
  20. This is more apparent and aggravating every week. Every time Spiller gets the ball...Buffalo has a 'chance' to score. You can't say that about many players in this league. He is averaging 'almost' as many yards per carry (7.2 ypc) as he is attempts per game (9.8). That's nuts. Fred is a great story, a very good player, and seemingly good human being. But he's not 'one of the most dynamic players in the league.' Use him as the 'relief pitcher' and short yardage guy. Spiller has to see the field a lot more than he is.
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