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Everything posted by BillsFanM.D.

  1. Yuck. Not my business though so I guess I'll have to accept it.
  2. He's sincere and consistent. Those are hard things to find in politics. Unfortunately, his platform is a bit much. That, moreso than a lack of executive experience, steers me away.
  3. His right to sell as noted. It's his auctioning of the weapon that is unusual (and would only occur in these circumstances) and disgusting. Clearly, it's an attempt to capitalize on a tragedy. It's his right, however....though I won't feel sorry for him when the backlash commences.
  4. Great to watch that. I can remember seeing Jerry Butler's breakout game on TV at my grandmother's house. I was only 8. Crazy how this stuff gets burned into your brain. Thanks for posting.
  5. Agreed. It has to be very tough to be in perpetual limbo with respect to work/demands. Great article though. Pretty interesting peek under the circus tent.
  6. yep. Prob afraid of others trading back into first.
  7. Love all these db's getting drafted.
  8. Holy crap...this is unreal. We've got a chance to get a really good player based on need and board.
  9. Ugh. I thought the guys reading did the best they could. I hope that might actually help the two ladies in the clip (in some way). I concur with the above....disgusting and cowardly behavior.
  10. Congrats! Glad all is well. Get some sleep....you're all gonna need it.
  11. Congratulations!
  12. Absolutely. No need to judge anything here. No kids should be 'taught' sensitive topics in pre-school. The mom said it best. The kids have no bias....they'll play with anyone. If a teacher sees bad behavior, then address it. No need to proactive with such topics in pre-school. Play nice..... and don't eat the crayons. Kids have enough trouble with those rules at that age.
  13. EJ 'starts' week one....a la Matt Cassel in 2015. He'll be here for this year and then he's gone. Seemingly such a likeable person....I wish he could have been 'the guy.'
  14. What if AC/DC really was singing about ballroom dances?
  15. Likewise, What if CCR had never found that bathroom on the right?
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