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Everything posted by BillsFanM.D.

  1. That's a high quality one liner. Seriously, though, I would have been in the same boat as you. I rarely 'got it' from my dad...but when I did... I deserved it and I learned from it. Looking at the damages to that house, I suspect this would have been one of the times I would have remembered. Back to TYTT's original point....what kind of precedent is this parent setting? Everyone gets a trophy in that house.
  2. ....and my kids would be mowing that guys lawn and washing his car under my supervision for years.
  3. Perspective is a heck of a tonic for life's day to day 'problems.' That was a great read. Loved this section... "I sit somewhere on the razor's edge. I am so happy to hear my son say, I love you dadu. So happy I want to explode. But I also have fleeting, but agonizing moments of frustration as I watch my friends throw him giggling in the air. I just want so badly to hug him like I used to hug the people I love so much, to brush his hair or hold his hand." Sometimes the simplest things become the most important when they are no longer within grasp.
  4. Given circumstances, and assuming he participated, they probably 'hid' the results.
  5. 20+ years on death row? not funny. expensive.
  6. Spiller. Does any other player make you 'sit up in your chair' every time he gets the ball? Nobody on D is as close to being that exciting though it is apples and oranges.
  7. That's a good effort on your part though. I laughed as soon as I saw your post.
  8. nearly impossible to watch that and not smile. good stuff.
  9. That's outstanding.
  10. Heck yeah....no PMI on that loan.
  11. Heaven knows we'll all be here waiting. Not an easy decision for you I'm sure. Good for you though. Action--->Consequence. I have a friend who is a school administrator. His biggest complaint is how 'society' (huge generalization noted) wants the school system to raise the kids....but strips the schools of any real authority as soon as the heat gets turned up. Difficult spot to be.
  12. Now Mr. Young, about your credit score.....
  13. That's fantastic.... "rich idiots who like to hemorrhage money"
  14. I'd love to be the realtor. I'll take my 6% totaling $11,400,000.
  15. ....and in 112th place...the runner whose father is an azzhat.
  16. That pretty much sums this up. Wow. These guys are subhuman.
  17. I'm no lawyer but I heard on the news several times last night that this 'point' is debatable and will be somewhat of a subjective interpretation. I.e. maybe it was a waiver...maybe not. Alan Dershowitz said it's a no brainer and she can be held in contempt. "The law is as clear as could be, that once you open up an area of inquiry, you can't shut off the spigot – that's the metaphor that the Supreme Court has used." http://www.newsmax.com/Headline/lerner-irs-held-contempt/2013/05/22/id/505922#ixzz2U7YvIGBG The S.C. Rep (Gowdy) who challenged her immediately in the hearing said last night (on Fox) that if she does the same today (5th amendment approach)....they would proceed with a contempt charge.
  18. I bought a fair amount when the market was in the tank. It was a conscious choice on my part. I must be the devil... My personal assault on redistribution aside, you make a great point. Nothing like ripping your nose off....well, you know the rest.
  19. You're right...people just don't like to hear it. It's about making/maximizing a profit with a publicly held company. It does suck for the workers but that's the nature of it....and certainly within their (Disney's) rights.
  20. eleventeen! nah....8-8. I'll take the over. Cue the Senator......
  21. That sort of discussion came up here a while back and I believe a vote was taken to determine if the MODS were going to police the 'arguments' discussions more aggressively in PPP. Thankfully, majority decided to leave it alone and allow "free speech" to continue. It certainly keeps the entertainment value higher. I tried to find the thread but whiffed.
  22. http://www.nytimes.com/2013/05/23/us/officer-involved-in-shooting-of-man-tied-to-tsarnaev.html?_r=0 "BOSTON — A man in Orlando, Fla., who was being interviewed early Wednesday morning by an agent from the Federal Bureau of Investigation and other law enforcement personnel about his ties to the Boston Marathon bombing suspects was fatally shot after he violently attacked the agent, according to the F.B.I."
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