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Everything posted by BillsFanM.D.

  1. Fantastic post.
  2. Hopefully a guard gets a bit lax in his/her duties....and leaves him 'unattended' for a bit with some other inmates.
  3. Fantastic! Congrats to your whole family. Cry away....nothing wrong with that.
  4. Well, he got a free pass for being 'dad of the year' with his infamous voicemail. The Bill O'Reilly comparison mentioned is spot on. O'Reilly would be getting annihilated with similar comments. Here's a snippet from the message he left his daughter a few years back. "During the call, recorded on the girl's answering machine, Baldwin, 49, ranted: "You are a rude, thoughtless little pig. You don't have the brains or the decency as a human being. "I don't give a damn that you're 12 years old, or 11 years old, or that you're a child, or that your mother is a thoughtless pain in the ass who doesn't care about what you do as far as I'm concerned. "Once again I have made an ass of myself trying to get to a phone. You have humiliated me for the last time with this phone." He then threatened to fly to LA "for the day, just to straighten you out on this issue". Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-449775/Alec-Baldwin-apologises-calling-daughter-11-rude-thoughtless-pig.html#ixzz2XbOMLckU
  5. Great post. You are the exception and that is part of the problem. "Most" overweight folks make minimal effort to change their lifestyle and 'insist' that there 'has' to be something wrong medically. You actually had a problem (and man....TSH over 200...you weren't messing around. Surprised you could walk across the room with that) and still decided to work 'harder.' Good for you! Amen. This is true. It is interesting that weight loss almost always plateaus for a variable amount of time around six months of any 'program.' For most folks, however, the weight will begin to trickle off with continued effort. You're also correct in terms of this being an individual thing. There are certainly folks genetically destined to be 'big.' The reality, however, is that every person has different 'rules' and they must adjust accordingly. There is a caloric balance for every person. It is amazingly difficult for a small percentage and amazingly easy for some as well. The rest are sort of in the middle....and lack the gumption to make a change. Indeed. Lots of work. Not honking my own horn here but I was getting a bit big about two years ago. Started running at 5AM daily. Have already completed two marathons and qualified for Boston for next year. It is a lot of !@#$ing work as you said. I've also changed my diet and have lost about 25 lbs. Point being....It would have been much easier to stay 30lbs overweight. For me, and I feel for most, it is a choice and not a 'disease.' Again....some folks seemed 'doomed' to be overweight but they are in the small minority. Good luck on the sub-8 min half! Speaking of addiction. Running is hard to stop once you start!
  6. This is where I stand currently. Simply an economic decision. Now...if there was a scenario where the evidence is a slam dunk. I.e. confession to witnessed events.. Terminate without delay and save the cash.
  7. Yes. More money....It's all for the children. Think of the children! This prosecution team should be sued for malpractice. I'm no lawyer but they sure seem to be making some terrible choices.
  8. Not exactly a good choice either. They had a 15 year old with them as well....yet they chose the 10 year old to drive? Seriously flawed logic on so many levels.
  9. Potential serial killer in the NFL. Unreal.
  10. Ya think? I'd bet it was more embarrassing for the prosecution. To borrow a tired phrase....Epic fail.
  11. Just a few thoughts and I apologize if I'm in the blind here but.....I remember you telling a few great stories about your mom and how she shaped you into 'who you are.' As far as one (I) can see through the monitor, you seem like someone equipped to deal with a difficult challenge. -if you're mom is still living, perhaps seek her advice. If not, accept my apologies, and think about what advice she would give you if she were here. It seems from the stories you've shared in the past, she wasn't one to ever lead you down a bad road. More importantly, think about her parental impact on you. Model that behavior with your children in the future. Absolutely 'buy in' as a parent. Nothing is a greater challenge or reward. -Seek, but don't expect forgiveness (at least not right away). Do your best to focus on the positives. 'Now' is probably the worst of this situation as the wounds are fresh. Each new day will give you an opportunity to put your transgressions further behind you....and allow you to make amends the best you can. -get help if you need it. You've already alluded to that. It's good that you have that insight.... and that you recognize the need and role for 'outside' perspective.
  12. How many times has this scumbag done this? I'm sure this wasn't his first go 'round. Forget his rights. Shoot him on sight. He's a 'real' bad ass...beating up a defenseless woman. Bet he felt all big inside.
  13. "Cup check." ...accompanied by a 'mild' shot to the groin is standard high school tomfoolery. I'd have to say I'd draw the line with my friends if they started trying to probe me. That's a bit much.
  14. I love the part where she tells everyone to 'not hide their children from the world....people do **** and get arrested...' Nothing like justifying acting like a complete douche including dropping 50 F bombs in front of kids. Totally classless, self absorbed behavior.
  15. John Daly has to win...he's already wearing the orange suit in his mug shot. Also...Lenny Dykstra is barely recognizable in that photo.
  16. Doc seemed (to me) to be a really good gameday coach in recent years and I think this is a big loss for the C's. I also concur that a first round pick in the NBA (late first round) is typically not a high yield asset. Seems like he opted for greener pastures and the C's got the minimum.
  17. I remember him slapping the Camel Clutch on Bob Backlund......en route to becoming the WWF champion. Then the Hulk kicked his azz. Life was great when I was 10.
  18. First off...great picture. Secondly...Tom's 'joke' is pure gold.
  19. The crux of the matter....and I agree 100%. Just another opinion of course.
  20. There should be zero formal expectations for wedding gifts. The guests receive an "invitation" to the wedding/reception....NOT a ticket that they have to 'purchase.' I concede that most couples expect gifts from the majority of their guests....but to get whiny when a guest gives you an 'inadequate' gift is really lame. If you are inviting them to what is arguably the most important day of your life, then I'd think there is some basis to the relationship. The brides here clearly invited an colleague/former boss and not a 'friend.' Temper your expectations or don't invite them at all. Really lame.
  21. 136 in a 2003 Corvette. Scary as anything...but it certainly was a rush to go from 70 to 130+ in a few seconds.
  22. I'm sure he feels knocked down...but he'll get up again.
  23. no negligence.... http://www.nbcnews.com/id/52232994#.Ub-7X-BGwnQ
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