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Everything posted by BillsFanM.D.

  1. I have a feeling sales are going to be strong.... http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/man-accused-repeatedly-sex-rubber-float-article-1.1395905
  2. Damn it. We're getting old.
  3. Yup. Confidence is a valuable commodity...especially for a rookie. Find some for him in the first game and then build on it.
  4. He can sit in the parking lot and mail in the plays as long as we see results. Love his energy though.
  5. You may just lose your victory in "Last post wins" over this....
  6. Brandon Moore apparently did.
  7. Wait....does that occur before or after he gets 'winded?' It's good to read this. CJ needs the ball more. Not necessarily until he vomits but definitely more.
  8. agreed. Consider yourself a defensive back and you see Goodwin, Graham and Stevie in a 'bunch' out wide. I'm not feeling very comfortable if I'm trying to cover one of those guys coming out of that formation.
  9. This post is perfect. I think you're 100% accurate Mr. Vader. I'm sick of guys running around after routine plays. More Barry Sanders....less 3rd string safety celebrating his 12th tackle of the season...in the 14th game.
  10. That's awful. I'm guessing he's rolled a few of those though.
  11. http://www.examiner.com/article/megalodon-fake-shark-week-anchor-show-tricks-viewers still not sure if it was 100%BS....but it's looking more likely.
  12. Here's a link to a foxsports piece with videos of several funny interviews. Good stuff. http://msn.foxsports.com/nfl/story/Art-Donovan-Hall-of-Fame-Baltimore-Colt-led-a-storied-life-080413
  13. This is like buying a jersey of a current player. I'll pass until they've done 'something.' I'm sticking with Bruce.
  14. "Rian....did you see that half naked picture of Tom Brady on TBD for his birthday? His man parts were only this big."
  15. Agreed. The show itself pitted him (the diver) as the skeptic and the other guy as 'convinced' that Megalodon was real. The diver 'became' more and more open to the possibility during the original show. Seemed a bit contrived. I saw the 'after show' as well and you could definitely tell a difference in the diver's attitude. He basically said "no way" to the theory of a shark that big being alive. I suspect he is a respected shark 'hunter' and expert. He took the 'cash' to do the trumped up version.... but reversed course to save his own integrity on the aftershow. Just my guess. I wish they had just kept it to the facts straight up with no added drama. How 'bout that WWII photo with the dorsal and tail fins? That's nuts....if it's real.
  16. Saw that as well. Very interesting. Not sure how much was 'theatrical' either.
  17. It's a celebration b!tches....get my drink.
  18. Reminds me of playing cards with my great Aunt years ago. "I just shot my wad on that one." My buddy and I used to just about pee ourselves trying not to laugh.
  19. Better than that PeterLaPanza that keeps showing up.
  20. my initial reaction...
  21. His attitude is remarkable. "I want to be a role model..." "Of course, we need to get PED's out of the game." He implies a conspiracy. He cheats....but it's now everyone else's fault. He's such a victim....of his own narcissism.
  22. Thankfully it wasn't "that" Terrell. Never happier to see us sign a player I've never heard of.
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