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Everything posted by BillsFanM.D.

  1. Isn't this sort of like the "lies of commission vs lies of omission?" In analogous terms of the 'purchase,' it's like stealing vs not correcting a known error (transaction failed for whatever reason). I get that you 'did' the right thing in the store and made good faith effort to pay your bill. But, it doesn't change the fact now that you know you 'got away with one' in terms of receiving 500+ dollars of goods and you never truly paid. I see nothing wrong with trying to correct a 500 dollar error....from either perspective. As I mentioned earlier, if they had double billed you...it would likely interest you more. Wrong is wrong. The 'right' transaction apparently didn't occur. Give it some time (as some have mentioned) and if it doesn't correct.....I would fix it. This isn't about saints and nuns. Right is right. Likewise, if you got 'shafted' by another person, company or entity....wouldn't you 'hope' that they would correct it if they were aware of an error? I'm not naive enough to say that everyone operates this way; but these are the circumstances presented to you.
  2. I forget who posted this...and I'm too lazy to check. I think its way better though. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NfOHjeI-Bns Edit: the twins are a solid 8...maybe even a 9.
  3. Looking at that map...I'm pretty sure I just had a seizure.
  4. I'll pass on looking that up. I imagine it's pretty bad. It's disturbing in the sense that a guy would kill a woman and then post the photo to facebook. That's a real person who was just murdered. Disturbing...to me.
  5. Or soaking in a tub of bourbon. Probably be pretty loaded there as well.
  6. Well...I guess I walked right into that.
  7. Considering everything that can happen on draft day, you nailing the qb and receiver is pretty impressive. Nice work. Any thoughts on stocks??
  8. Auntie Em...Auntie Em.....It's a 'cownado.'
  9. To the bolded part....Your post implies a certain level of ineptitude. Your question about 'getting away with one' amplifies the feeling of most posters in this thread. Most would say yes...you 'got away with one.' Last I checked....that has a negative connotation. Most folks don't 'get away with' doing something nice. It means you know you're wrong. Pay up. So if he 'convinced' the credit card company that every card he swiped should have, in fact, been charged; and all your buddies got the same 500+ bill a month later.....you guys would be cool with that??? If so, carry on.
  10. doesn't this belong in the puke thread?
  11. I'd pay it. I think enough time has passed that there is likely a problem with the store submitting the charge. As you noted in your OP, you 'convinced' the guy to get the manual swiper out. He 'did' you a favor and it now may have backfired on him (not necessarily anyone's 'fault' but it falls on him nonetheless). I'd call and square up.
  12. They could hire that 'guy' from Applebees to do the same thing.
  13. You're closing in on 40K posts. If they haven't 'duct taped' your mouth yet (permanently)....I'm guessing they appreciate your material.
  14. From the article... "Iwan said he could smell “burning meat” as the jet ran over the animal." Not exactly Apocalypse Now....but a memorable quote nonetheless.
  15. Football is secondary. He made a good choice. He was also blessed to be a professional athlete for a short period of time. I hope all goes well for him.
  16. Albeit intentional...he was a bit too melodramatic.
  17. I hear you. But, it's still shocking. This is from the article. The 'description' in the last part is an instant classic.... "Let us break this bad boy down for you. It's got cheesesteak, cheese burgers, pastrami, chicken fingers, bacon, mozzarella sticks, fried eggs, jalapeno poppers, fries, onion rings, chili, marinara and fat sauce. Oh, and it comes on a 27-inch garlic bread roll. The sandwich looks like every fast-food restaurant in the nation collided with a semi truck and had a big, fat baby, then covered that baby with French fries and pink sauce."
  18. That is insane. How could one person consume that in 40 mins?
  19. Yes...and sounds entertaining. Is it really that good? I'm gonna try to find it on Netflix. I just read that Kathy Bates is going on this show. That can't hurt. Thanks for the tip.
  20. Give it up...what's your 'real' name?
  21. Honestly...never heard of it. That commercial is freaky though.
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