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Everything posted by BillsFanM.D.

  1. I see... I was just going off the title: "Favorite Music Video (as an early teen)."
  2. It's the Doc in you. First...Do no harm.
  3. This was the only way to watch 'old' highlights back then. No interwebs available.
  4. Yes. Where I grew up in PA it was always called a "K" turn. The two things most kids dreaded on their driving exam were k turns and parallel parking. K turns are not remotely challenging in my mind so I never understood the drama. I can see how some folks get excited about the prospect of having to parallel park if they haven't ever practiced it. Getting back on point, this girl can't drive!
  5. Sorry, I couldn't resist. Regarding sedation, I'm sure they'll get it figured out. As you know, lots of other options if that doesn't cut it for you. Not sure if you meant you were doing this soon or just 'dreading the future.' Either way, Good luck! Glad you're doing it though. Colon CA is so preventable in most cases.
  6. I hope they chase all these grabbers. If you give a mouse a cookie...
  7. Hippo "responds" to colonoscopy prep administered by TBD specialist AJZepp.
  8. I'll defer to your area of expertise. Point being....she can't drive for poo.
  9. Fixed it for you. She just needed to back into the empty slots behind her and drive off. This is laughable and scary at the same time.
  10. I set DVR for this earlier today. I didn't check your link but I saw an interview w/ Leonard and he relates he travelled to Panama and he and Duran end up in the ring together discussing the fight. Looks great to me. Hope it lives up.
  11. I believe (cough, cough) that this should fall under 'sin' tax.
  12. Amen. Obviously they don't require a K turn on driving exams in her neck of the woods. And the fact that she covered the full alphabet in attempting to get out of that spot doesn't count either.
  13. What would she have done if the lot was full?
  14. Every week, I feel like they can win. I hope they approach it the same way.
  15. Some folks may have tried for a 'long' time to have kids so it's tough to say. To further the insanity, the kids get to collect social security payments once the parent retires. http://ssa-custhelp.ssa.gov/app/answers/detail/a_id/505/kw/
  16. And the 'shoppers' here are acting like dirtbags. They steal as much stuff as they can until the announcement is made and then leave their overstuffed carts anywhere they choose. Stay classy 'shoppers.'
  17. All lined up at the Trough of Freedom!
  18. Actually...I'd probably throw up. From the article: "You can either believe them or your own eyes." That was my point. It's 'on the internet' and the Pres says so. Therefore, it must be true. I'll pass on blind faith in this instance.
  19. How can this be? BO has told us many times that if we already have insurance....we won't pay more and we can keep our own doctor. If you don't believe me you can go to the ACA website.
  20. Their goals shift...from promising stuff in order to win the election..... to making sure they don't rock the boat to ensure their next election. Term limits would be nice.
  21. As above...sad, disgusting, horrible. Hope his injuries are ones he can overcome.
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