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Everything posted by BillsFanM.D.

  1. Very nice. Enjoyed that a lot. Thx for posting.
  2. "I guess it comes down to a simple choice, really. Get busy living or get busy dying." - Andy Dufresne
  3. I sure ChefJim will have something to say about these bike riding savages.
  4. This 'tweeter' and the like are morons.
  5. Loads of talent and beautiful harmony...
  6. That's a great song chorus. MJ made that tune. That's a classic one hit wonder with a sprinkle of nepotism from Rockwell's dad. Here's another one I liked...back in the day.
  7. maybe this belongs in the 'feel good song' thread... or the NBA thread... but this was a great early 'rap' song. Don't ask me if Mr. Blow had any other hits. I have no clue so I'm rolling with it here.
  8. Whew....I read your first two sentences and thought you had lost your mind.
  9. It's not just TBD.... I just saw this on MSN.com. Link below but I copied it for posterity in case their editor ever wakes up. "Chris Rock has been on the defensive all week long after he posted a tweet that seemed to severely shade Selena Gomez. For all intensive purposes, the comedian basically called her a poor man's Beyoncé" http://www.msn.com/en-us/music/celebrity/chris-rock-under-fire-for-tweet-calling-selena-gomez-a-craigslist-beyonce/ar-AAgTI3u
  10. Well...this makes me laugh so I guess that counts. http://www.nbc.com/saturday-night-live/video/snl-digital-short-d-in-a-box/n12100
  11. Dude needed to get a grip.
  12. Always liked this song. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qm8ClRnVxtE
  13. Your link isn't working for me but I found the article. That's not a good way to go.
  14. At least nobody else seemed to have a hand in his demise.
  15. That's gold man. Nice video! My oldest just graduated from high school. When people tell you 'time flies'.....believe them.
  16. As a Bills fan....the quicker this goes away, the better. I'd run with the 'my lawyer advised me not to talk about that matter' line until everyone gave up. Once football starts, it won't matter anymore. Not saying that's right... but that's the best play for the team.
  17. Agreed. I was more referencing the ability to come in late and still be 'ok'....as opposed to expecting Shaq to be Bisquit 2. That was a great game. Good times man...good times.
  18. Bennett came in 'mid year' his rookie season and looked pretty damn good. Here's to Shaq getting healthy and having a long and very productive career.
  19. Get it. He was a good kicker and, by all accounts, a great guy. None of 'us' is any sicker about that kick than he is. Think about that for a second....
  20. Not that expensive. 500 dollar bond....not 500K. Still a sh#tty thing to do.
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