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Everything posted by BillsFanM.D.

  1. Are you giving advice?
  2. "PUFF" piece about Marshawn? I thought this was going to be about a weed bust.
  3. It's all starting to come together now.
  4. Yes. Though it seems there is a lot less tolerance of 'old school' mentality in pro sports today. I love the exchange between Fouts and Winslow (start at the 1:20 mark). That's a superstar calling out another one.
  5. I can't get the picture to stay on post. Looks like I need some analytics.
  6. Rob Schneider anyone? Solid work.
  7. He also appears to be near death, wearing a homemade head bandage, and nobody seems concerned.
  8. He's a regular Bob Mckenzie.
  9. He did get the people out first. http://www.delish.com/food/recalls-reviews/man-rescues-beer-house-fire
  10. You're probably right... Marion Berry did OK.
  11. This guy is toast. I had to laugh at the paragraph at the top of the article: "Democrat and Maryland Attorney General Doug Gansler — who has appeared in videos warning of the dangers of underage drinking - is in hot water for attending a weeklong graduation party held at a Delaware home, and paid for by Gansler and other parents where liquor was present." That's a heck of a party.
  12. This will make you smile: http://www.yardbarker.com/high_school/articles/msn/team_manager_with_down_syndrome_scores_touchdown_in_playoff_clinching_win/14859647
  13. A good friend of mine thought it was, "double-end short." When I heard her say it, I asked for a clarification. She went on to 'tell me' that it was because the person got the short end of the stick twice. Hence, the 'double end short.'
  14. Right about the same time that the 'lunch ladies' at school get charged with harassment for feeding the skinny kids. (and get rid of that signature line. It's disturbing.)
  15. They had a 'running' clock in the second half in addition to the following 'adjustments' made by the winning coach: "Buchanan simplified the playbook. He put in the second- and third-team offensive line and got the backups as much time as he could, while still playing a few starters here and there at the beginning of the third quarter. He told his punt returner to fair-catch the ball. All told, his offense had 32 snaps. His starters began coming out in the third quarter, some of them having played just 16 snaps, Buchanan said. The Bearcats rushed for 391 yards with eight touchdowns."
  16. Maybe this?
  17. So did I. I was 'thrilled' we had finally found our guy. He was not a first rounder but what a 'gem' he was. He had 'it.' We all know Bill Walsh endorsed him. Peter King had him as the 'first quarter of the season' MVP that year: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2008/writers/peter_king/09/29/Week4/index.html
  18. Speaking of Mario...did anyone notice how angry/upset he was in the last game? He was visibly po'd quite a bit. I hope he brings that attitude this week.
  19. This thread should be closed until Kiko Alonzo voices the truth on the matter.
  20. But, Cordy Glenn is a guard.
  21. All political arguments aside....this is pure gold.
  22. I lived about 20 mins from the stadium in the early 2000's. Went to many Bills games and a few others. This is a fair assessment. I think most games have a good percentage of 'away' fans. It's just the nature of South Florida. Very transient population. Lots of northeast USA representation. Oh...and my goggles had the same problem.
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