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Everything posted by BillsFanM.D.

  1. You act like there are exactly zero repercussions from bankruptcy. Just because you can 'emerge' from it doesn't mean it's a benign process.
  2. On the flip side, what makes you so certain we will remain solvent? It's not like this isn't already happening in the great USA. Detroit anyone?
  3. I'd guess most people growing up didn't look at Fast Food as a career choice. We all 'knew' it was a minimum wage job. Work harder...do what you need to improve yourself...or accept minimum wage jobs. Does everyone have to get a trophy?
  4. Faux pas noted. I won't apologize though. This is PPP.
  5. It is a fairly 'niche' photo. Anxiously awaits response...
  6. Agreed....slowly, but surely.
  7. ...a stuffed monkey with a fake gun. 'Zero tolerance' at it's best.
  8. Having worked there for a long time, I can promise you there is ridiculous amounts of waste. Vets deserve more....too bad so much of their budget goes to typical gov't oversight and employees that spend more time trying not to work than simply doing the job (in less time). It's union insanity in that department. Just my opinion, based on years of first hand experience.
  9. Staring for several minutes at the can of beer, she states: "Huh...I didn't know that was how you spelled Budweiser."
  10. What about the kid...second row, center? Clearly pushing Greek states with that toga. Shame!!!
  11. One of the most succinct and, in my opinion, accurate posts I've seen here in a while. I do value a lot of what the 'conservatives' believe socially; but I also recognize it as being used mostly as political fodder. All the 'red meat' for both parties is bit over the top. Let's get the house in order fiscally...or there will be no house.
  12. With rule changes (on and off the field) the NFL is slowly, but surely, killing everything fans love about the game.
  13. Prayers for you both. This reminds me very quickly how unimportant football is. As for the trials, that is one of the largest benefits of going to a major university. You can get excellent care based on NCCN guidelines with 'most' oncologists in the country (understanding there is good and bad everywhere as far as docs go). They are, however, limited to 'approved' treatments in most cases and most follow NCCN guidelines for treatment. These guidelines, in theory, keep treatment fairly standardized and based on well accepted studies/outcomes etc. Getting on the 'new' trials, however, usually takes you visiting one of these big centers. It sounds as if your wife has gone through the 'guideline' treatments and her oncologist is recommending you seek a trial. Some regional/community hospitals enroll patients in trials that are centered at major universities. Hence, your travel for treatment etc may not be as extensive as you think. If your oncologist has recommended a trial/hospital...it sounds like that's a good next step. Tell your wife there's a lot of people rooting for her!
  14. I agree....but what a club gives up to acquire a player has 'value' and shapes the way a player is viewed (fairly or unfairly). I, like you, don't view him as a bust. I was just pointing out they gave up a good bit more than a 3rd to make him their starting qb.
  15. Very true. As the article alludes to, there have been some off label drugs for this problem, but none that have been particularly successful. I hope this is a true game changer for the folks with this. PTR...I've never heard of a specific degree of curvature 'required' to make the diagnosis. It is typically 'diagnosed' Peyronies when there is any degree of curvature and a fibrous band (plaque) is noted. As an aside, folks with Plantar fibrosis (fibrous plaques on the soles of their feet) or those with Dupuytren's contractures (plaques in palms) are more susceptible to developing peyronie's. Makes sense as these are all inflammatory type events resulting in scarring/plaque formation. Why it occurs??? that's the dilemma. Hopefully, this treatment helps/works.
  16. Though it cost the Texans two second round picks and also flipping first rounders with Atlanta to acquire him. That's a significantly higher cost.
  17. And anytime you put your team in position to win the game (on back to back offensive possessions late in the game) you deserve the W. The Atlanta game would have been another comeback win for EJ. We'd be singing his praises about how he 'gets better' late in the game etc. Not his fault the receivers decided to cough it up twice.
  18. Giants converted FOUR 3rd downs on this drive. This being the most gut wrenching one.
  19. "I knew they should have separated us at birth. We're gonna get run over if you don't get off your azz."
  20. In the words of Dave Chappelle...."who-what?"
  21. That's the law of natural consequences. Steal stuff...and you die. Works for me.
  22. I dare anyone to top this.
  23. What happens when you take them off? Talk about compressed gas.
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