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Everything posted by BillsFanM.D.

  1. BringbackFergy for starting this thread and then;
  2. Hammered a lot for being, well, hammered a lot; and then
  3. I gotta give my man, JR in Pittsburgh some props
  4. tent on the side of the hill
  5. key elements with respect to farming in NC
  6. Whoever it is, I'm sure they don't pay 15/hour.
  7. found laced with stimulus spending
  8. him to really hate bicyclists
  9. and ChefJim asked for advice
  10. http://screen.yahoo.com/popular/star-swimmer-gives-first-place-124245053.html
  11. and brandishes a giant weapon
  12. very true. "What's it like getting sacked by Merlin Olsen?"
  13. still need to be consumed
  14. Nothing but more prayers.
  15. I just read every post thinking this same thought all the way through the thread. Of course, you hit it in the 'last' post. I agree. No shame in changing your opinion of a player. Just own it and tell us why.
  16. Very cool.
  17. Hyperbole much? Shouldn't an employee who is entering a minimum wage job have realistic expectations? Is is rational to expect a 100% pay increase (in some cases)? Your implied extreme (making everyone a CEO) is as much of a canard as someone "expecting/demanding" 15/hour to work at McDonalds. And I'll never apologize for hard work. Some folks do get screwed over....and some do get lucky. Most people, however, have the opportunity to make real choices that have real impact on their long term earning potential. I came from very poor parents so I know it can be done. Doesn't make me an expert but it tells me to reject fatalism when I hear it.
  18. I think both parties have tried, to various degrees at various times, to promote this principle. Clinton, as President, had line item veto for a period of time until the judicial branch whisked it away. I'm seeking responsibility and accountability in my reps. Right now, both parties promote red meat and re-election propaganda above principle and sound judgement. We can go circular in arguments for days....but if the government does not become more fiscally sound, I feel the inevitable is....inevitable. Greater societies than ours have fallen.
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