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Everything posted by BillsFanM.D.

  1. 'defiantly?!?'
  2. If you can smell my finger way out here, just wait a minute and see what happens.
  3. ...she's everything you dream about. But don't fall in love. The Tubes. Nice.
  4. Funny....my dad would have kicked my azz for not offering any woman my seat on a bus. Now, a 'traditional' act of chivalry (I'm sure that makes me a sexist pig) is considered 'microaggression.' I'll take my chances despite the blowhard from UCLA.
  5. Reminds me of an old George Carlin bit about being in a book club. He was rattling off titles and threw this in... "Ben and his big dog Dick." ....or "Ben and his big dog d!ck." He did it all with voice inflection but the point is the same. I still chuckle...
  6. Prayers for you and your family Westside. Know we're all thinking about you.
  7. I completely..uhh..feeling not very...wait...what happened. Awww crap. It still stinks. I was in college and was probably more boisterous than I should have been. After waiting most of my youth for 'that' team, it was going to be great.
  8. I echo your sentiment but I 'fixed' it just a bit. Great story about all those kids.
  9. You $#$#$#$# idiot.
  10. Prayers for you both!
  11. The guy made it up...He's totally full of s**t.
  12. thanks for update Jack.
  13. Suffering? I was just busting your chops...and I "know" you know that...even without formal analysis. Are you sure about this? Was that the only reason? Perhaps you are being played by an emoticon craving, diaper buying, beer drinking troll... As I said above, I enjoyed your post. At face value, your example is a 'crazy' correlation in terms of shopping patterns. Undressed, however, it makes perfect sense. I'll be interested to hear your opinion in the future as it relates to the Bills use of this type of question/solution seeking. Not sure how much we will be able to 'see' from the outside though. In my mind, it all seems like a bit of a leap to apply this in the world of professional sports. I can see how it would help with product presentation/sales/marketing etc.; but I'm not as confident in it markedly affecting the on field product. I'll offer that a lot of that may have to do with my naivete in terms of this type of thought. Perhaps, you and others, can shed some light as we see how the Bills use it.
  14. I haven't been on here in a while but I'm shocked. This entire cogent post and not a single emoticon. You're slipping OC. Thanks for the info here. It is fascinating how the approach can literally dictate the findings if one allows it to happen (via desire, selection bias, methodology, etc)...and how the influence of beer is clearly 'untapped.' Very interesting topic and post.
  15. You take your crazy logic and get out of here. Making sense like that...you should be banned. Seriously... great post.
  16. enjoy the comforts of the inflatable pool raft
  17. For years, my personal 'mantra' has been unless you are eating a really bizarre diet, forget it. It's nice to see some legit observations here confirming the lack of necessity.
  18. saw DCTom at the border telling everyone, "Your and idiot"
  19. Clearly, Chief Oliver hates black people.
  20. also starring Generalissimo Francisco Franco
  21. Hope you both get to rest up at home tonight.
  22. I was thinking it might actually get Gordon motivated again.
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