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Everything posted by BillsFanM.D.

  1. First of all...Prayers for Jim and his family. Secondly..... What bbb said. Cancer is many, many, many diseases. Breast cancer, for example, has numerous types and the treatments/survival/response data all very drastically not only by disease; but also by stage at time of treatment. Absolute nonsense what the prior poster was promoting. To echo BBB....does anyone really think there is a 'hidden' cure for cancer that a drug company is sitting on? Laughable.
  2. Probably a very fair assessment.
  3. I feel our talent level has risen significantly in the last few seasons, despite our putrid results. We remain a playoff 'dinosaur' having not been there in forever. This is a very, very deep draft. If anything, collect picks and build. Just my 2 pennies. We are more than a 'great' wide receiver away from anything.
  4. I'm gonna wait until I hear from the med students before getting excited...
  5. In keeping with TBD theme, I'd point out the ugliest girl with a criminal record and ask one question: "Would ya?"
  6. There's some solid comedy in this thread... For the record, the guy has 'survived' 6 years in the NFL so that speaks to some ability. He can play guard and tackle in a pinch. Good swing backup. Get 'r done.
  7. Let's just hope they were on land and not 'upstream' when they heard it.
  8. Great pics. Thanks.
  9. Perhaps a bit verbose. But, yes you have license to use it. I just meant that she clearly wasn't 'dozing off' like we all have done....your head snapping forward; followed by a period of alertness etc. She's like a zombie in slow motion. Obtunded indeed.
  10. Before I started the video, I thought 'maybe this is a mom who works 2-3 jobs to make ends meet and she's really exhausted.' After the video...so much for that. She's completely obtunded. Very sad. Hope she and the kid get help.
  11. Mr. Kitty, That is exceptionally well played. Nicely done.
  12. Those were the 'golden days.' Lonnie Johnson man....Lonnie Johnson.
  13. Great article. Hope things ease up a bit for him.
  14. ...and the Emergency room. Not saying that's good. It just is.
  15. I agree. I intentionally hedged my original statement with 'helping.' Indirectly, BO's repeated red line gauntlets have created an environment conducive to Putin's current behavior.
  16. The Nobel Peace Prize winner is helping to reboot the cold war as we speak.
  17. Funny regardless. I think this is legit. The guy seems to be completely freaked out.
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