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Everything posted by BillsFanM.D.

  1. C'mon man....or common man...or comeon man. You're (Your) kidding right (write)?
  2. That's fantastic. Absolutely great story!
  3. I was there a few years ago. Great experience and a great park in my view. Absolutely NUTS!
  4. "Mork calling Orson....come in Orson."
  5. Sad to read that. My wife and I had to have our cat euthanized quite a few years ago. I left the vet with hugs from all the staff and a pamphlet for 'dealing with pet grief.' I'll admit I was a mess. I didn't even consider myself a cat person when we got him...but man do animals become part of the family. Sounds like your dog had a great 15 years.
  6. Gracias. But I hope I never need you...
  7. "According to a Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office arrest affidavit, Notebaert was driving east on Stallion Drive at 55 mph at 12:30 a.m. on March 9." Couldn't help but notice the street name. This situation is very sad. They wrecked their whole family.
  8. He crosses the line here: "At one point he makes a rude comment about his mother." Even momma's not safe...
  9. Nice!
  10. Nobody knows how Watkins will turn out. Not even Doug Whaley. I'm just glad he is willing to push the chips in when he has a strong feeling about a player. Last year, he (and Buddy...sort of) doubled back and got extra picks. It seems, in this small sample, that Whaley has an open mind about the draft and how to approach it. Perhaps a bit too much guesstimation on my part, but I love his conviction.
  11. "Most" cancer drug trials do not involve placebo only arms of the study. They involve adding a 'new' therapy to the current standard of care and compare that to the standard of care plus placebo. Either way, the patient receives (at least) the current standard of care. If no current treatment has shown to be effective, you'd be more likely to see a placebo versus drug trial. This is rare. Most areas of medicine do utilize placebo versus standard of care. Oncology, for obvious reasons, often has a different approach.
  12. Wow. sorry. That's unreal to think about. I greatly admire your approach. Clearly, there is a 'process' people in your situation go through and anger is a profound component. However, I'm glad you ended up in the 'right' place. Your comments made me think of this quote: “To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you.” ― Lewis B. Smedes, Forgive and Forget: Healing the Hurts We Don't Deserve
  13. Bummed to read this. RIP.
  14. Incognito aside....well done.
  15. I have nothing for this thread as it's all guesswork on our part...but that's some funny stuff.
  16. To the wife naturally. If both of us go....75% into a trust for child with disabilities. 25% among other three kids. Lawyer and my bro are the managers of trust until all three kids reach 25. They then take over as a group.
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