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Everything posted by BillsFanM.D.

  1. I just jumped on here for a break and had to laugh. I've been doing the same thing for the past few hours. All these resumes blur together. You're starting to give me a complex. Though, thankfully, I don't 'list' it on my resume.
  2. Peterson gets 8 million more guaranteed over five years. That's a pretty good jump. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap2000000347352/article/richard-sherman-seahawks-strike-56m-extension Fully agree with respect to Gilmore. He's promising but I'm not suggesting he's 'there' yet.
  3. This thread should be pinned as mandatory reading for all members. I laugh harder every time I come back.
  4. I thought about that as well. I'm sure he's a bit miffed.
  5. Gilmore is a happy man with this news...especially if he develops into a truly elite corner. The $ bar just jumped a good bit higher. http://espn.go.com/nfl/story/_/id/11284202/arizona-cardinals-sign-patrick-peterson-five-year-contract-extension
  6. You ever spend a birthday in a Turkish prison?
  7. Don't stop. I've seen you be right too many times. I enjoy the subtle hints as much as the overt statements. Carry on my friend. As for me and my crew....October awaits!
  8. I think Ralph "prevents" them. I have no sources.... but my personal speculation is that Ralph would have a plan to ensure his legacy is intact. That plan has likely been in place all along. The bidding has to be respectable so it's 'open' for competition. I imagine Ralph had left very specific guidelines for his wife and the trust members. I imagine Ralph even pulled Roger Goodell's ear a time or two prior to his death. The Bills will be in WNY.... IMHO. I imagine the Toronto guys are 'in it' as it's viewed as an open competition. They are flush with cash and a big market. At face value, and in a true open bid, I'd be making do-do in my pants. However, I just fail to believe a guy as smart as Ralph would not have a posthumous hand in this. I.e. there has been, and is, a plan in the works. Kirby is generally 'locked in' on this stuff. His posting in the past (and his absolute resolution in this topic) make me feel a hell of a lot better. In other words, if he was posting that Toronto was in 'the lead' I'd be very nervous.
  9. I'll book it based on this post alone. Thanks Kirby. Oh..and PM me anytime with the 'good stuff.' I can keep a secret.
  10. I was actually thinking of this.... http://www.cc.com/vi...il-jon---injury
  11. Do you have proof of insurance? I'll answer questions all day long in general terms. Specifics, however, are best left for you and the person who is caring for you. All good humor aside, I'm certain you agree with me. Excellent point. Absolutely.
  12. That's a question for your doctor. Generally speaking, however, alcohol is a 'direct' irritant to the heart and can be toxic to cardiac tissue (muscle) over time. It is a known trigger of cardiac ectopy (extra beats) and arrhythmias.
  13. Laughter....it is the best medicine. Sorry to hear that. PVC's or PAC's can be a real bummer. Like I said, some people are really troubled by them even if there is no underlying serious trigger. Just the sensation is disconcerting as you alluded. Booze is a big contributor in many cases. Glad things worked out for you.
  14. You can definitely 'feel' PVC's. Some folks are quite bothered by them. Others, not so much. Like I said...you and the docs have to do your homework. It's likely not a serious problem (just based on common nature of this) but you have to make sure it's not. Your sister is probably right...but you have to 'make sure.' And yes...deferring cocaine would be advisable in the short term at the very least. You magnificent bastard. You want a burger with that? Well played...though I'm more of a Wendy's guy. Love them redheads.
  15. Generally, there are two types: Holter monitor which you wear for 24 hours and it records all activity. This is what Chef was referencing. The patient can push a button and 'mark' the recording and they typically ask you to keep a journal of your experiences as well. As you might imagine, most of these are hours of 'normal' cardiac activity. The second type (which you have) is an event recorder. This type you wear for several weeks to a month. It records on a loop but if you push the button it will 'save' that 'event' (few minutes before and after) and that is eventually read by a cardiologist. Some monitors allow you to 'phone' in results on a more real time basis. Others, you wait until you turn the device back in for it to be read. Which type you get depends on how often you get symptoms etc. When an arrhythmia is detected you need to 'check the basics' in terms of your cardiac health. It certainly can be a normal variant but it can also indicate a more important problem at times. Understand that not all arrhythmias are the same. "Most" arrhythmias from the 'top' of the heart are not as serious as those arising from the larger ventricles.' Isolated beats or couplets are generally not a big deal either. I.e. an extra beat from the atria or an extra beat from the ventricles (PVC) are generally not a big deal. But you still need to do your homework. PVC's can be 'a non issue' as has been stated but if a person has them in runs and/or as a result of increased effort...that could be very important. You likely had lots of labs in the ER as well to rule out any sort of electrolyte and thyroid abnormality. Drugs and alcohol are big contributors as well (no implication meant...just speaking in general medical terms). Meds need to be considered as well. If those basics check out and the heart if felt to be 'structurally' normal (no valve disease; chamber enlargement etc), then a stress test is often done to rule out underlying ischemia (blood flow issues). Most important thing...keep your appointments and follow your doc's advice. From a distant view, it sounds like a good plan.
  16. Sing it with me: "Hail to the chief...he's the chief and he needs hailing!"
  17. Awesome. A toasted breakfast sandwich sounds mighty good right now. Most factual statement anyone will see in this thread. I'm too tired to check but, if true, that's either a ringing endorsement...or an indictment. Either way, good luck! Oh...and toasted sandwiches has to win.
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