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Everything posted by BillsFanM.D.

  1. You sure he's not 'ensconced in velvet?'
  2. 'You can check out anytime you like....but you can NEVER leave!' Your post had some decent content. As for the ex-fan thing, however, count me in with the masses....I'll never get it. The Bills have sucked most of my 40+ years. But they're 'mine.'
  3. I think it's safe to say you have nothing to feel bad about. The guy is seemingly on a self destructive path if drastic changes don't occur for him. If that requires police intervention....so be it. Especially when you feel somewhat threatened by him or his potential actions. You tried to be nice and now you have to be smart. Lastly, how often is an internet message board universally united on a topic? I think everyone in this thread (and the other) has expressed some worry for you (and the shower boy to a degree). Sometimes the worst thing you can do is nothing. I'm glad you called the cops. As you said, they are already in the know. This raises their concern and hopefully keeps everyone more aware. Be safe!
  4. Very true. No question you did the right thing. An alternate ending is you welcome him into your home and he does something horrific to you, your family and/or himself. He's clearly unstable and needs to be kept at arms length. Call the cops/ambulance/national guard/red cross or whomever you need. He's more than proven he shouldn't be welcomed into your home.
  5. Here's a link to a registry site. http://bethematch.org/Transplant-Basics/How-marrow-donation-works/Steps-of-bone-marrow-or-PBSC-donation/ The first step in to do a swab of your cheek to get a sample for 'rough' matching with folks seeking a transplant. If you are matched and asked to be a donor you then get into blood draws and additional medical tests. If all is a go....and depending on the patients needs....you will donate via a series of blood 'donations' where they cycle out the cells they want and give you back your 'other' cells. This also requires shots to boost your cells first. The other option is a taking marrow samples from the crest of the hips. This is labeled as 'not painful' on this site. I would say that a lot of patients have some degree of discomfort but it is more of a pressure sensation than pain. This is if it is done with a regional anesthetic and you are awake. However, some folks get general anesthesia and have 'no pain' as they are out of it completely. There is usually some degree of discomfort after but most donors are feeling fine after a few days. It's a sacrifice but it gives someone a shot at living.
  6. Blair witch project like quality with a lung hacking/helium huffing giggle-bot behind the camera. Very weird. Oh...and the deer too. The deer does get props for persistence.
  7. "It's the end of the world as we know it." - R.E.M. Having said that, I think he plays week one.
  8. I suppose a lot of folks literally want to 'hold on.' I've had conversations with families about organ donation and, in my experience, the overwhelming majority agreed. Some however, reacted as if I was 'disrespecting' (probably not the right word but they seemed offended) the deceased. I certainly understand it's a very emotional time to make those decisions for some people. For me (and you it seems), it's a no brainer. I have no need for it. It also makes it easier that 'our' decisions are made ahead of time by listing ourselves as organ donors. Not to digress but the living can be big donors as well....Not just blood but marrow transplant lists as well.
  9. A family making the best of horrible circumstances. Much better than a player making crap up because he's an idiot.
  10. http://www.wsmv.com/story/26382809/walker-wilbanks-saves-lives Here you go. The 'donor' can't be thanked but it's still a great story and legacy. Kudos to his family as well. As a dad who had a child on a heart transplant list....these are great stories.
  11. I tip everyone. Then again, I was a busboy in college.
  12. I agree. :lol:
  13. From the article: "We utilize every available asset at our disposal to detect and deter smuggling of all prison contraband especially narcotics.”
  14. That's fair. Get a grip might be a bit much but it does sound like a preemptive excuse to me....for something that happens to many teams throughout the season. Whiny maybe? It could be just me but that's how I read it. His 'we'll just have to see how it goes' sounds a bit Eeyore-ish to me. False.
  15. Glad you're here! Keep that BP under control.
  16. This is approximately the 7000th time this scenario has happened in the NFL. Big deal. Cutler should get a grip.
  17. Those are great. Some funny 'writers' on Amazon.
  18. EiI...I read your post several times. Each time I got to the word 'crap' I subconsciously read 'carp.' I think I spend too much time here.
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