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Everything posted by BillsFanM.D.

  1. Looking at the grades (per player year to date) at the bottom of the article: Pears, Richardson and Henderson are the lowest players ranked. EJ has a higher 'grade.' Understanding no grading system is a 'true' assessment....it still is pretty indicative of our O line situation.
  2. Not sure about that part. It is weird. Without specifics of what he's requesting or how it pertains to position...I have no clue. That may be the 'tipping point' already to moving up the ladder to see what is going on. You could try to contact a supervisor and explain that you're willing to work with this recruiter but you are having a hard time understanding (literally) what it is he wants...and why. Nothing wrong with an honest conversation.
  3. I'd let the process play out. As long as you've checked him out (which you clearly stated), and as long as he doesn't do anything egregious....I'd let it be. You'll have an opportunity to 'evaluate' him after the process. I'd save the constructive criticism until then. Otherwise, you might be removed from consideration as you said. If, however, he gets further from acceptable business behavior, you can opt to challenge him/his supervisors at any point along the way.
  4. Darwin nominee... He doesn't have enough here to be a winner but he's still an idiot.
  5. Loved that. As the father of a child with significant disabilities...that is both heartbreaking and heartwarming. Mr. Goodwin need not worry about 'failing' at the Olympics or in the NFL. He's a champion to his sister and in life. "Game" over.
  6. Zero. why take your ball and go home? If someone is completely over the top...they'll get banned. In the meantime, you can violate copyright laws by calling them an idiot.
  7. Did it 'come up with fish?'
  8. I'm still in. Not saying he's Joe Montana. I just think he can be good enough. He's 2-1 this year. We're in first place. Not surprisingly, EJ had two efficient starts and one turkey.
  9. I forget the situation (but near/in red zone).... but he also fired a ball almost into the seats on what would have been a 'coverage' sack last year. He's getting better. Agreed! It's been said many times but how can anyone listen to him and not root for him. He's got the elusive 'it' that everyone talks about. His play is starting to catch up a bit.
  10. Sammy, Seantrel, Preston.....and on and on. Hey Doug Whaley...
  11. For goodness sake, he's got 45,000 posts.....we're all idiots! Tom, more than any other poster on here, if full 'avatar' in my mind. A true cranky curmudgeon literally 'sniping' at the 'idiots' at will. Reading his posts, I can only 'hear' the muppet voice. Admit it, you all hear it...and laugh.
  12. See what I mean? ....Nothing wrong with a good spaceship poster.... or Farrah.
  13. This thread is funny on so many levels.
  14. And the number of the counting shall be two...thou shalt not proceedeth to three.
  15. Every week I either am firmly convinced they 'should' win; or I manage to rationalize a victory in the face of long odds. Hence, I don't ever 'think' they're going to lose. Having said that, the Houston game makes me uncomfortable.
  16. Couldn't resist.
  17. Well...son of a... Mea culpa to the board and Gug....and my apparent misspelling of 'glauten.'
  18. If I keep saying it, I'm gonna be labeled a Whaley apologist. The guy has done an incredible job in my view.
  19. How 'bout some love for Whaley? Lots of his pickups doing really good stuff on this team.
  20. "Gunter glieben glauchen globen..."
  21. Off topic (and I apologize given nature of this thread), but I couldn't resist.
  22. I have fantastic in laws. They're like second parents as my wife and I dated 'young' and stayed together. I guess they liked me from the beginning as they've always been great to me. Probably more to do with them being great people rather than me being/doing anything special.
  23. Agreed. I'm pretty sure that Mr. Ice eventually had to pay for his use as it was so blatant. I'd check but I'm unfortunately past my limit of daily Ice Ice Baby research.
  24. He's also circulated an intra-office memo with vague questions about voicemail.
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