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Everything posted by BillsFanM.D.

  1. Victim of herself. Edit: too slow...
  2. I couldn't agree more. To be blunt...I'd be po'd if Whaley was shown the door. If Marrone is challenging him with this quote...he's foolish (IMHO).
  3. Durability? Gives up on game day? This is the 'signature' catch of his season so far and it puts both of those to shame. Guy with busted ribs completely exposes himself on this play. http://www.nfl.com/v...tips-to-himself Yes.
  4. It's somehow true and I get your befuddlement. Since EiI enlightened me, I googled it and there are a zillion references, youtube videos, wikipedia articles and many references to the jump rope jingle. The more I read, the more incredulous my statement becomes. I guess this settles it.... I AM an idiot!
  5. Not sure how, but in all my years of medicine...never heard that one.
  6. Seriously. Let's not be miserable until we have no outs left.
  7. Sort of. He played one season in that conference. He was ACC QB for all other seasons. Either way, it doesn't detract from your post. There's good and bad QB's in most conferences. Of those...only a very few become 'elite' NFL qb's.
  8. With miniature carp. C'mon Eil....that's some funny stuff courtesy of Fergy.
  9. I would discipline the crap out of him....but cops? No way.
  10. You did good Chef. Back surgery is always an iffy proposition...even in the best of hands. Lots of folks have herniated disks/nerve impingements and no symptoms whatsoever. It makes a person with back pain (and subsequent findings on MRI/EMG's) a bit of a dilemma. Exhaust the conservative treatments (or inhale as you alluded) and IF the symptoms match the anatomic findings on diagnostics....then you go with surgery. The best surgeons I've worked with tell patients to avoid surgery if they can. Just my opinion/experience.
  11. For some of us that's a job requirement.
  12. He trucked Aaron Williams on one run and I was thankful Williams got up. That aside, the Bills were blasting people last night. Great to see.
  13. "If Bradham can pull guys down by their hair....."
  14. Like many, I would have said the Atari 2600. That was a life changer. I remember having a lot of fun as a 'little' kid with this as well. The commercial is quite bad, but the toy was great.
  15. In sports, almost any relationship can be repaired. Provided everyone excels and they have success. "Winning is the best deodorant."--John Madden.
  16. African or European?
  17. Jon...QB Bills just served up a tasty **** sandwich. That's foul.
  18. I quickly read the first 17 posts....only to be denied. Beat me to it.
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