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Everything posted by BillsFanM.D.

  1. Who'd have thunk it? A turnstile. What a fantastic gift! That will be a excellent part of any man cave and what a conversation starter. Your wife deserves major kudos! As an aside: the 'turnstile' jokes in this thread re: linemen are great.
  2. Prayers for him and his family.
  3. Anyone think he looks like Kim Kardashian??? Just a guy who allowed/paid for his face to be butchered with silicone and a sharpie.
  4. From the article: --------------- "She then tried to have herself sectioned using her knowledge of mental illness as a psychologist so she wouldn't have to stand trial for his murder. "But we had a doctor carry out tests and she is of perfectly sane mind." ------------------ Well....that's certainly debatable.
  5. Great cast. Great show.
  6. In addition, the biggest thing Wilson did was not 'endorsing' the drafting of Kelly but, rather, being willing to make him the highest paid player in the NFL before he ever played a down.
  7. Eli. I'd actually be excited if we got him. I get he has flaws but the guy would be a major upgrade.
  8. Yeah...they beat it to death.
  9. I do feel bad for the guy but.... This is my favorite: " These guys will attack your plumbing problems with relentless strikes against your western turds. No infidel clog will stand after the assault has begun. 10/10 would let them use a truck mounted .50 cal on my pipes again."
  10. "Nuclear" ones at a small bar I used to attend. Spent the next hour with my face in a pitcher of ice water. Not good at all.
  11. You're not alone in that thought. I never quite understand some of the anti-Whaley stuff on here. He seems to be a very solid GM right now.... with 'superstar' potential. Young, gutsy and has conviction.
  12. You knew they'd 'pull' that campaign as fast as they could.
  13. Edit: I just saw the part about 'growing up.' I was a bit older when I saw this movie...but it still was a freaky flick.
  14. Sadly, these are the moments that unite people. They afford a realization that the issues we debate are relatively minor ones.
  15. That's a fate far worse than injury.
  16. How bout we beat the Raiders first.
  17. There was a segment posted here a while ago on how he's taken care of his sister. Seems like a wonderful human being. His football production and durability, however, are maddening. I don't even mind the lack of 'stats' so much. A guy like Goodwin can draw coverage (without being thrown to) and impact the game. To do that, however, you have to be on the field and not inactive due to injury.
  18. Agreed. Like your story above...kids aren't shielded from any of this. It's horrific. Glad your friend/student has a chance in life.
  19. Apparently they also doused a teacher with gas, tossed a few matches and burned him (or her) with the kids watching.
  20. Boilermaker!
  21. Let them out of the bubble periodically.
  22. Nah. There's plenty of folks who need help with the 1040EZ. They'll be fine.
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