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Everything posted by BillsFanM.D.

  1. I've enjoyed this whole thread. This, however, is the piece de resistance. Nicely done.
  2. This from the article: “The trial is about the truth. This is the truth of his house.” I'm calling BS. Truth is a convenience if it's present. It's about winning. That's what sickens me about our justice system.
  3. and using your best offensive weapon as a 'decoy.'
  4. Very true...which is why he should have done it prior to this becoming public knowledge. He texted the team "I quit." Instead, he could have texted "Urgent teleconference in 30 mins....Here's the number." It would have given him a chance to tell 'most' of the players. Better to do it in person, but to hear it verbally from him is better than nothing. I know you're not defending him (and your post is more to the current time) but I can't see a valid argument that supports the 'way' he left. It's not professional...for any profession.
  5. He really sounds like a complete jerk. I thought he did an 'ok' job. I was 'fine' with him coming back prior to all this. Now, I can't believe the guy was ever hired. All we're missing at this point is for Nate Hackett to come out and call Dougie an a##%^&*!
  6. 40 years makes a collapse no less epic. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I-35W_Mississippi_River_bridge
  7. Seriously. This really is one of most damning articles yet. Here's a link to another article with a bit more information: http://www.nj.com/jets/index.ssf/2015/01/one_of_doug_marrones_former_assistants_rips_jets_head_coaching_candidate_on_the_record.html I'm throwing out two of the 'big quotes' below so folks realize what he said. Granted, the two coaches 'obviously' didn't have a great end to their working relationship and that needs to be considered. Either way...this is the most 'personal' of any criticism I've read re: Marrone. CBF...I thought, like you, that this should be a new thread. To me...it's that big of a deal. Since it's here, I'll add the quotes so people skimming the thread get a sense of how bad he's calling Marrone out. From the article---- "First of all, you guys know, I've told you guys this all along, that when he takes a job, he already has his plan in place for his next job. Let me say this to you: I've said this before -- self-centered, selfish, greedy. He'll get a job because there's not enough qualified people with head coaching experience to get these jobs. There's about nine or 10 guys out there that should be getting these jobs, and you're reshuffling an egomaniac, less-than-.500 coach. He has the greatest agent on the face of the Earth (Jimmy Sexton). He's got it going. The agent's got it going. Somebody's going to hire him. What did W.C. Fields (say)? There's a sucker born every minute. Am I not mistaken? "One of the things I really feel sorry for is the assistant coaches at the Buffalo Bills. Here's guys that bust their ass every single day, morning, noon and night. They probably got verbally abused many times throughout the course of the year. And then you've got a head coach that stands up there and preaches about family this and family that. There's only one family he cares about, and that's not the assistant coaches. It's just devastating. I feel so bad for those guys. Don't get me going. It's an embarrassment. I mean, it really is. It's self-centered, it's selfish and it's greed, OK? I'm saying it, because that's what it's always been, and it's a shame. The guy's beautiful. He's beautiful."
  8. Beat me to it. I was searching for this on the board before posting. Ouch indeed.
  9. Bradham is 'nasty.' He definitely brings an edge to the D and, as greggy alluded to earlier, other teams notice. I thought he was fantastic this season. Lock him up.
  10. Agreed. the 'high' post count and questionable logic are clear to see. He could have at least spelled Hackett correctly.
  11. I was trying to teach my six year old a similar lesson last night.
  12. In fairness, Mike in Horseheads did start a thread about Nate as a 'candidate.' Though, Mike had tongue firmly planted in cheek. This is the true nadir.
  13. Just saw this. Sounds like 'good people.'
  14. Some of those are really funny! I'm with you.
  15. At the very least, he should have set up a conference call where players could call in and hear it 'from' him. Pretty cowardly otherwise.
  16. I would take some pleasure in that as well. Especially, given the manner in which he left...preaching family and then texting the players. The players, if nobody else, deserve better. My preference, however, would be that he takes the Jets job....never wins a game against the Bills...and then gets canned after two sub .500 seasons.
  17. I thought spamming was not allowed on TSW.
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