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Everything posted by BillsFanM.D.

  1. I'm quoting myself....showing the bag I thought belonged on Leroi's head. I'll keep it for myself now.
  2. Agreed. Whaley is the only 'must keep' for me. I know lots of folks feel otherwise, but I feel like he's done a great job.
  3. That's a telling statement. Depressing...and rank with truth.
  4. absolutely. .....j/k. I follow you...i think.
  5. You could use a shave...and a new signature line. You're quoting Gugny talking about being hung like a gnat? Maybe nkreed was thinking of you when he described the tryst above.
  6. Jets - Quinn Bears - Shanahan 49ers - Kubiak Falcons- Ryan Raiders-Sparano Bills-Reich Kubiak will be the late player to shake it up a bit. I think the Reich thing is gaining steam. Or maybe it's just gas from dinner. Either way....this is my shot in the dark....obviously.
  7. That's the most honest, sincere piece of publication the Onion has ever done.
  8. I concur. I understand why some might see Buffalo 'taking their time' and trying to avoid the dreaded 'rush to judgement.' Not everyone is entering this hiring season with the same baggage, however. It's very surprising to me that not one of the teams has 'their' guy available and interviewed yet. It seems at least one team would be moving ahead with the strike first and get 'everything' we want now approach.
  9. curmudgeon... wait that was a compliment.
  10. Again...many of us are just upset with HOW he left...not why. I see the point you're making but when you pick such an egregious 'reason' you know responses are coming. You know your reputation and willingness to argue precede you..... so how is one to know when you're playing games or taking a serious stance? It's Marrone like....just say what you mean. See what I did there?
  11. Don't ever quit on a family member who is an alcoholic etc. Doesn't mean you should enable them....but never quit on them. I haven't gone 'absolute' on Marrone. I've said I would have been 'fine' with him as the coach next year. I've also said I've no problem with him quitting. I just don't like (based on everything we've heard/read) how he left. I've said he owes the players (not me) more than that. I'm not the least bit unsettled about the potential struggles of our next coach. Every Sunday, I'm convinced the Bills will win. That's a separate issue/disease. I've no problem with your original question. I addressed that above. In your third paragraph of the OP, you proposed he quit because of the media treatment. I don't believe that. If true, I doubt Doug was 'the guy' to lead us to the top anyway. Why would I eat crow about this?? Win or lose next year.....I won't. Your whole argument is that he was driven out and the Pegula's are forced to pick a new coach. Hence, those who 'drove' Doug away may 'get what they wished for.' It's not accurate in my eyes. He left. His choice. I'll say this.....I'll gladly eat some crow when Doug issues an apology to his players (again...not because he quit but how). But, that's it. If we suck next year, it's not purely because Doug left. To believe that would be..... absolutist thinking. Too bad we won't ever know how Doug would have done.
  12. He was coaching a season with a new owner on board. Change is very commonplace in this scenario. His 2 year record at the time was 14-16 and he had two games left in the season. The stated goal was 'playoffs.' That was in the balance. It's not a question I'd ask at that point, but I don't think it's out of left field either. Regardless, why does Marrone care? A coach who takes that type of criticism personally is likely in the wrong job....or going to be perpetually miserable. What happened to: "If you listen to the media/fans, you'll be sitting with them soon enough."
  13. And that's 'outrageous' or out of character for NFL media? As above....standard criticism until he quit. The personal backlash came after. For the record, I have no problem with him quitting. He exercised his contractual right. I have a problem with how he did it.
  14. Weakness is being a quitter. It's not having the guts to stand by 'your family' and see the process through. It's being thin skinned when faced with 'typical' NFL media criticism. It's assigning blame everywhere but on the man in the mirror. It's running for the door via text message because you can't face 'your' team. Strength is rallying inward, getting stronger, using criticism to motivate you more... and then giving everyone (to borrow your phrase) a big FU when you reach your goals. All the backlash you allege started after he quit. Period. He earned it.
  15. 8. Fit it up. Or at least explain, to me, what that meant in the first place.
  16. This is for all you haters in this thread.....especially joesixpack....because he's directly in the line of fire.
  17. I'm not sure if Rex is a 'top choice' for me but there is no denying your statement. If hired, the overwhelming majority of 'us' would ultimately give him full support as the Bills are 'our' team regardless. With his leadership style and attitude, our fan base would be frothing at the mouth by opening day.
  18. Critical of band names??? Says the guy with Bon 'friggin' Jovi for an avatar.
  19. "Moderators" More like narks. Bunch of wussies. (do I get bonus points for group insults....or warning points?)
  20. That 'thing' is super creepy.
  21. Your real name is Jame Gumb. Sicko.
  22. Theo Epstein was 28 w the Sox. Brian Cashman was 31 w Yanks. (Diff sport 'obviously'). Whaley has a decent amount of volume in his resume despite his relative youth. It's time to see what 'he' can do.
  23. IF Doug is Mojo..... .... That would be douchebaggery at its highest level. That's all I have.
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