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Everything posted by BillsFanM.D.

  1. Wow. That video is crazy. Terrible from every perspective.
  2. I saw that as well.
  3. cocaine is a powerful drug. Wow...
  4. Where's the spirit....and the duct tape?
  5. DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmed!
  6. stevestojan....just because of the 'filter.' It still makes me laugh.
  7. That stinks...
  8. 10 hours later and it still makes no sense. Should have went down like this.... Carroll calls o-line and Lynch and Wilson over. Starts screaming at them....gets in their faces...telling them they have 2 plays to score a rushing touchdown. Tell Lynch he needs to run through a brick wall. Go prove it BEAST mode! Carroll should have grabbed the center by the face mask and asked him if he believes in the guys next to him on the line....ask Lynch if he can get it done.....ask Wilson if he is the QB of the best team in football..... "Do you believe in your teammates?" Challenge all of them! Finish with this...."Guys....if I told you at the beginning of the season you'd have two plays from the one yard line with a repeat Super Bowl championship on the line...against this team...in this situation....with your teammates......would you take it?" Now...go kill somebody! ugh...
  9. One of the most dominant athletes ever. Sadly, I think he's regressed and not just because he's getting older. I never understood a lot of his 'soul searching' on the golf course. Guy wins a boatload of Grand slams and then radically overhauls his swing....fires multiple coaches etc. All this to 'try and get better.' He was living in the 'zone' and should have worked extremely hard to stay there. Instead, he ripped his swing down and changed it....twice. All the other stuff (women) and alleged stuff (PED's) are potential contributors. Injuries too....though he still seems a 'cut' above the majority of golfers in terms of his physical shape. I recently heard him commenting on how his swing speed is 'way up' again. This, to me, is evidence that he is ok physically. He just seems to (dare I say) crumble early and often in tournaments now. Part of this is because he was so ridiculously good that the bar is 'too high.' As a poster said above, he was PGA tour player of the year two years ago. That said....it's been an eternity (based on Tiger's own criteria) since he's won a major.
  10. I struggled...but yes. I did, however, have to keep 'filling in the blanks/changing words' for it to make any sense. Chances are....I have no idea what really happened.
  11. Board...getting....slower...
  12. It is an INdubitable fact that this thread will go on and on....
  13. "Kale...I should have known it was Kale."
  14. From the article... "San Francisco police discovered a suitcase full of body parts in the South of Market area on Wednesday night and then found more remains nearby, officials said. The case is being treated as a homicide......" Ya think????
  15. Seriously... As for the story, ugh. Sad.
  16. Crazy story. Never thought I'd say it...but score one for the telemarketers.
  17. Kenny Loggins has written a bunch of 'great' movie songs. Here's a piece of low hanging fruit for this thread...but who watches this, hears the song, and doesn't want to go 1,000mph?
  18. You are right though. The vast majority of his posts were 'stirring the pot' and lacking substance. Followed by him starting an incoherent (?drunk) thread about how he was 'barred' from the original thread.
  19. Whatever it is...I'll take the under.
  20. 8th grade science class. Vivid recollections of that day.
  21. Only hear a fraction of the song here, but it fits quite well.
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