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Everything posted by BillsFanM.D.

  1. It's rarely about justice. It's about winning. This is sad. The guy clearly crossed a line of decency. This judge can jam his interpretation of 'happenstance' as it pertains to this law. This was done on purpose by a pervert....to a very young teenage girl. "It's incumbent on us to cover up whatever we don't want filmed in public." - ??? How does one better cover up while wearing a skirt/dress? Should she have worn a big pair of bloomers underneath?? The guy crouched down and stuck his phone under her skirt to snap a photo....and it's because she didn't 'cover up?'
  2. I was at my future in laws house watching with my girlfriend (now wife).
  3. C'mon man... That's a stunt for high school art class.
  4. As much of a pathologic @$$&*( this 'selfie' taker is....I can't get past the thought of the victim's mom coming home and finding her son in that condition. Horrific story.
  5. Badger! That's a great movie.
  6. Clippers lead the league in technical fouls. I think introspection might be a better option for them.
  7. Seriously. I agree. It's not needed. If they want to say anything (add adjectives), how about 'really good looking woman in a bikini?' Or as you said above, 'swimsuit model.'
  8. Haven't had a good laugh like that in a while. Only in America does an article open like this: "After his pet pig ate all of his marijuana, a furious Ohio man went on a drinking binge that resulted in his bust Saturday for disorderly conduct and resisting arrest..." Go read the comments as well. some good ones in there. "If he eats that pig, he'll be high on the hog."
  9. The 'link' on MSN said "Father chooses baby over wife." I went through the same thought process...and came to the same conclusion.
  10. Very sad situation. Though, I am glad the dad made the correct 'choice.' http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2942221/Father-forced-choose-wife-Downs-syndrome-newborn-son-family-ashamed-baby-s-condition-raise-own.html
  11. I think Dick Jauron could have fulfilled this given the talent on our team. Let it play out. I don't necessarily think it's bad for Rex to be of interest. Ultimately, it's about the w's but he's a guy who has shown he can handle media attention. In other words, I don't think this stuff affects Rex like it would some coaches. Speculation sure....but that's the way I see it.
  12. I love 'old' SNL. That's awesome.
  13. They are clearly not a panacea. It's a tool and, although debatable, it is used. It's just another piece of information. You got me with the 'gov't endorsement' thing though. I said that simply because I knew certain security clearances require it. I'd hazard a guess that it's used for certain private employments as well but I'm too lazy to search for it. Either way...It's my own personal guess that Brian would shy away from taking one right now.
  14. In the right hands they are 'fairly' reliable. Enough that many of our gov't agencies require them for jobs...yet 'bad' enough that the courts won't allow them. Can't win this argument either way. It will be interesting to hear more first hand accounts as they come out. I'm still on the BS side.
  15. Try this.... shut your pie hole!
  16. Bologna would be a good thing. Mr. Williams is FOS.
  17. Agreed....but this smells of baloney. I would think most of those cases occur where people involved in recurrent stressful situations begin to 'overlap' details. A big time news anchor probably hasn't been 'shot down' enough (ever) to confuse anything. He's been closer to combat than I'll ever be and I'll give him that.... but to 'misremember' (apologies to Roger Clemens) being in a helicopter hit by an RPG??
  18. This is very sad...I feel terrible for her family. I have to admit, however, that I chuckled when I saw the thread title until realizing what it was about. I thought for sure this was in reference to Shower Boy. Seeing Mr. Hammersticks in the first response really threw me off for a second. That's a classic.
  19. Good points all around.
  20. Violent swing for sure. It was fun because Woods was one of the few guys on the planet who could 'swing his guts out' and still hit it where he wanted to.
  21. "Cold therapy" (and this is a stretch of the term) has been used a lot of places for a lot of things. Not news. Nobody said "it" didn't work. Now look at the voodoo claims above, how they are 'justified' ...and tell me what those have to do with a post op patient after total joint surgery?
  22. Any evidence this does anything??? Nah....just 'jump in.' I generally take a 'who knows' approach to stuff like this but this is anecdotal BS at it's best. Snake oil comes to mind....or the Frozen Fountain of Youth. Per the article: -The CEO 'looks young' and 'doesn't get sick.' -The doc who refers patients there says a big reason for the popularity is that 'celebrities' use it. -Christiano Ronaldo has a home unit! The 'center' has a picture of it on their wall!! -The doc says this: "The immune system is boosted, the lymphatic system moves, the blood is oxygenated -- enzymes and nutrients are delivered to every part of the body." - I love when treatments are evaluated on these end point criteria. -Another anecdote: A coffee addict from Colombia cures the addiction with the deep freeze. Adds this: "I'm Colombian; we need coffee. But if I do cryotherapy, I'm energized all day. I would compare my own state of whole-body awesomeness to the afterglow of a fabulous colonic." This info below from their own site: Reduces inflammation * Increases energy * Lessens muscle soreness and tension * Relieves pain from injuries or joint disorders * Boosts metabolism and contributes to weight loss * Increases collagen production, reducing cellulite and signs of aging * Improves mood via a rise in endorphins * Has an anti-oxide effect, which can slow aging and help prevent osteoporosis * Has also been used to help elevate testosterone levels in men * Supports the treatment of multiple sclerosis * Helps solve insomnia, migraines, gout and asthma * * These statements have not been evaluted by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease Apparently it 'reduces, increases, lessens, relieves, boosts, improves, slows, elevates, supports and solves' a lot of problems. They just have no proof.... and are careful to say it isn't intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent anything.
  23. It never ceases to amaze....how stupid these guys think we are. Total Horse$%!). My next question would be... "Polygraph Brian?"
  24. Captain Jack does not disagree.
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