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Everything posted by BillsFanM.D.

  1. I hope i'm interpreting you right.... When I said "I can't keep up." I meant I can't keep up with all these polls. The 65% and 90% were my 'numbers' when I voted. 65% he becomes the long term qb and 90% we make the playoffs.
  2. I can't keep up. 65% he's the guy. 90% we make the playoffs.
  3. I was at the Jets game (in Buffalo) his rookie year. Looked pretty damn good to me.
  4. I think he's the starter on opening day. I think we win 10 games next year and make the playoffs. More TD's than picks. 3k-isn yards. Most importantly, I think he gets better.
  5. I didn't see the Swat comment or this thread until today...but that deserves a second round of applause. Nicely done...
  6. Agreed. It seems too easy. Given our guard/line situation, I'm sure this topic has been broached at OneBillsDrive a time or two since his release. Maybe they have their sights a bit higher. I know I'd be 'pleased' if Blalock was brought in.
  7. I'm gonna say yes. I concur this is flawed for many of the reasons above. The FO doesn't have to decide today on EJ. We shouldn't either. If we're talking about cutting him today or not....that's easy and logical. Heck no! Kirby's a great poster and I get what he's trying to do here...and he's made comments to explain that. I like to gamble and it's easy to root for EJ...so I'm all in under this premise. I felt I saw a lot to root for in his rookie season. In particular, I was at the Jets game. There were other very good moments as well to go with the expected errors. As for him 'regressing'.....there's always the eyeball test (I get it) but he had a higher QB rating in his abbreviated second year than in his first year....it is what 'it' is. I also think that if people were told before his first start that he'd have rating of 78; pass for 2800 yds and have 16 td's and 12 picks after 14 starts.....this would have been viewed as a good start and there would have been, at the very least, optimism. We could talk coaching etc and other 'excuses' but I'm not going there. I think he's shown enough, as a young QB, to warrant a further look. I"m not an EJ dreamer. I'm just not ready to make a declarative statement when I believe there is still potential. I simply want him to compete and win. I don't think it's been proven he can't. The poll requires a yes or no. I hope I'm holding aces in the end.
  8. Whew...I was very uneasy about this possible INvasion of your privacy. Glad this candidacy is on the up and up. This has the makings of a tour de force.
  9. I don't see a disclaimer where you approved this message. Are we to believe this is really you?
  10. They know you wrote this...be very careful. I don't know anything about traveling there but it sounds like an exciting time for your company. Much success on the trip.
  11. I'm not ready to sign off on a QB after 14 games. Don't hand him anything...but to cut him now is bizarre. If they are convinced he sucks....and cut him. they better be right.
  12. I'm with you 1000%...but we are in a dwindling minority. I still have hope for EJ...but it looks like he might get the axe.
  13. He/she called some big stuff well ahead of the curve. Rex, Roman etc. I 'laughed' then....I'm not laughing now.
  14. #10 was great. Make sure you watch it long enough to see the 'food' get eaten.
  15. You're a good man Westie...that much is clear. I'm not afraid to say I was a bit glassy eyed reading your post just now....and I'm certain your wife is already proud.
  16. We all say LOL on the internet....but, literally, LOL!
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