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Everything posted by BillsFanM.D.

  1. for those without audio....Doug Whaley was asked if he expected to 'still be busy' after the moves he's already made. response above.
  2. he's another one we 'just missed' in the draft. He was taken one spot ahead of us taking Marshawn. I was quite upset when that happened. Both turned out to be pretty darn good football players.
  3. Airport....check Tempo....check Flight tracking...check. We should be ready any minute.
  4. I'm sure it's been said but I can't read 13 pages. Shady is an NFL MVP level player. Kiko is a very exciting young linebacker who I did not want to see go. There is significant cap ramifications for the Eagles; and for the Bills to some degree (Bills really hold flexibility with Shady but will pay more than they would have for Kiko). I think it's a win for all. Bills have already shown they can be a dominant (not good, not just ok) D without Kiko. For the Bills...Shady has to be the choice. ....and yes...sometimes I have no brains. Now sign up some 'road graders' and let's get it going.
  5. Don't get complacent with all this happiness. Keep your guard up.
  6. That video is actually hilarious. "Hey doug...is live in DC...doug? hey? maybe? hello doug? hi doug? I guess not....."
  7. I think Whaley is great. He's young and 'seems' to be very good at what he does (imo). I mention young simply because I like the idea of him being here a long time. He is clearly bold and isn't afraid to 'put his name' on a move. I think our talent level has improved drastically since Whaley (and a nod to Buddy as well) 'took over.' Whaley also seems to churn the roster a lot more than other GM's. I.e. lots of signings and releases throughout the season in a continuous attempt to find good players. He makes huge deals...but he also grinds. It's not ever going to be perfect....but he's made more good moves than bad. You have to love his conviction. My biggest fear this offseason was that he would somehow be forced out. I, for one, am extremely glad that did not occur.
  8. Good point. It's as if him selling Yankee tickets somehow adds spice to his idiocy. The Yankees fired him. Good for them too.
  9. The (presumed on my part) point is that some 'adult' had to sign off on these uniforms. The adult coach and the adult AD come back for 'next season.' the seniors on that team don't. It is about the kids....and the fact that they are the only ones who are punished. Wearing 'pink' accents has become more than commonplace in every sport...on every level. This is not an outlier in any sense. Personally, I don't think it's incumbent on HS teenagers to know the nuances of District/state/city playoff rules. As the article alludes, they had already worn them for one playoff game with no mention of it. Both the coach and the Principal claim to not realize this was a violation. The negligence (if any) lies with them. Suspend the AD and the coach. Let the kids play.
  10. I clarified this above. I 'couldn't keep up' with all the EJ is a franchise/EJ is a starter/EJ is a nice guy polls. The numbers were my predictions to the two questions. I think there's a 65% chance EJ solidifies himself as our starter this year and continues for the foreseeable future. I think this team (with all it's other talents and new coach) has about a 90% chance to make the playoffs next year...with EJ or some vet they bring in. A true game manager should get us to the playoffs.
  11. Yeah! Let's punish high school athletes for this atrocity. I'd think if this was such a major offense, the referees (or AD, or some adult) would have warned the coach before the tip off. The only losers here are the kids who can never get another season of HS hoops back.
  12. Yes. Especially if we sign Hughes to big money on that side of the ball. Our D is pretty stacked. Need some offensive help.
  13. Doug? I knew it was a real EJ hater! I kid...I kid. Go Bills!
  14. Fair enough...I was just pointing it out and it goes both ways. Either way...I know where you stand and you know my thoughts. That said, we'll both be rooting for any QB the Bills run out there; and it certainly will be fun to look back at this.
  15. I like you as a poster metz....but, as I have a diff view of EJ, I'm kind of getting tired of reading the EJ dreamer line (this is about the 10th time I've seen it). Practice what you preach.
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