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Everything posted by BillsFanM.D.

  1. First instinct response: Dave Krieg
  2. I watched the first two minutes of the video on the link...and was feeling sick to my stomach. I'd never make it.
  3. Pay that man his money...
  4. Did not see this coming. I thought he was worth keeping around even with upgrade.
  5. Absolutely. Whaley has also proven he can get a trade done if needed. Even if nothing comes of FA; we're far from 'done.'
  6. Somewhere...Tom Donahoe is drinking the blood of newborns.
  7. http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/south-african-reporter-mugged-live-on-air/vi-AA9DhhO
  8. The idiocy of people never ceases to amaze...
  9. Leading cause of death in US across the board. It was my first thought... Never know though. Other congenital problems can cause sudden death in young adults. External factors always a consideration as well. Either way...sad.
  10. I should have made it a "would ya?" Targeting the Noo-noo of course.
  11. Sad to hear this. You're right though...this is an absolutely classic commercial.
  12. That would not have ended well for me.
  13. Count me in. Looking forward to it. He's easy to hate because he was a great college player on great teams....and he seemed to 'know' it at the time. I'm getting upset just typing this...
  14. Gentlemen: Very, very well done....and back to back.
  15. Yep. we got 'shafted' out of Will Wolford years ago due to this type of action. Wasn't illegal at the time....but made it impossible for us due to escalator clauses based on teammates salaries. Colts had 'nobody' and we had our dynasty Bills getting paid big time.
  16. Who knows....but at least we'd know to look on the bottom of the ocean for him.
  17. I am U-PATI You are NOT Potty.
  18. Langston Walker and Derrick Dockery thank you for remembering them... Walker played tackle if I remember correctly. Here they are pictured with some guy named Jason Peters.
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