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Everything posted by BillsFanM.D.

  1. Happy Easter!
  2. Probably some rain on the scarecrow....
  3. No question. That's ridiculous and I'm glad you called. Easy on the 'toothless nascar' wisecracks though. I happen to enjoy racing. Here...you have strong suspicion re: DWI. You, however, didn't see 'the crime' (him drinking) as with the first scenario so i wouldn't assume 'obviously drunk.' I've seen a few medical situations where folks were pulled over and their erratic driving was not related to substance abuse. MI and partial seizure were two that I was directly involved in and I've heard many stories. Psychosis etc. Regardless, good call on your part. The person either needs help or, as you thought, is bombed. I'm not disagreeing with your assessment. Occam's razor is well utilized here. The simplest explanation is probably correct.... and he's 'probably' bombed. I'd withhold judgement, though, and let the police work it out. Both of these are good calls.
  4. One more: "If you fail to prepare...you are preparing to fail."
  5. I'm not the Burger King. Why can't people follow directions in this thread?
  6. I'd be thrilled with that scenario. Regardless of the potential target next year. I also am holding out hope for a vet minimum guard acquisition. Still a lot of folks to be cut.
  7. You sir...have done very well with this.
  8. Glad you experienced such a great relationship with your grandfather. Your words describe a really cool guy. The sort of influence anyone would want their kids to have. My condolences to you and yours... and thanks for sharing an excellent tribute.
  9. Pure speculation on my part... but with Mario: 1. well into his deal 2. Chewing up cap big time 3. not stopping father time... I'm sure he/his agent and Whaley have had conversations about this. All the reasons Whaley outlined in quote make sense. Win-win for everyone. As Bills fans, we then have to hope he produces at a high level for 4-5 more years. If they haven't even discussed this, I doubt Whaley makes any sort of public comment. I, personally, would speculate that Mario has already told him he's willing to do a 'fair' deal and extend. Defining 'fair' will be the kicker. Either way, I love the proactive approach.
  10. http://bills.buffalonews.com/2015/03/30/contract-extension-for-dareus-next-on-bills-offseason-to-do-list/
  11. ...and they have massive internet muscles. Man up and go complain in person.
  12. There's some gold nuggets in this thread. And yes....this was a very cool gesture.
  13. Now saying the autopilot was switched to 100ft and the plane began to descend... http://www.foxnews.com/world/2015/03/26/more-questions-than-answers-after-report-that-germanwings-pilot-locked-out/ "FlightRadar said its review of data showed the autopilot was manually changed from 38,000 feet to 100 feet and 9 seconds later the aircraft started to descend, probably with the “open descent” autopilot setting, the firm’s CEO Fredrik Lindahl said. The plane slammed into a mountain at 6,000 feet, killing 150 people."
  14. That's a great read. Shot my lunch break reading that. Greatest TV show ever. I've got nothing else.
  15. What???
  16. Indeed. That kid is an idiot.... with all due respect and copyright payments to Tom.
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