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Posts posted by BillsFanM.D.

  1. There is no need at all for this sort of panic. Though it is difficult to determine the current top 51 for 2016 at this point, I'll stick with your $1.5M of cap space next year.


    The cap will be going up by around $10M...bringing cap space to $11.5M.

    We will carry over the $7M from this year....... $18.5M.

    The Harvin contract has already been triggered so yrs 2&3 are void...adding $8M from your figures....... $26.5M

    The $10M lump payment for Clay will undoubtedly be reworked to a new SB adding $7.5M($8M?)....... $34M.

    On top of that we can save many millions by extending Mario(he has already stated that he will rework his contract if needed).


    The Bills have everything under control.


    Nice clarification. Thx.

  2. Goodness....Everyone has to have a cause. Tell your mom to teach the kids some manners...or etiquette...or basic human decency.


    Isn't it reasonable to instill some social mores with the kids? Expectations that are consistent with OUR society and culture. Nobody should have to debate whether or not your mom is being insensitive to the one child in the school who might, twenty years from now, travel to a distant land and have a meal.


    I guess if we can't teach them EVERYONE's minutia/agenda... then we're better off teaching them nothing at all?? What, exactly, is the social workers suggestion here?

  3. lol I know some people like it so I figure those that don't can just put me on ignore. Of course, then they would miss out on my fantastic football knowledge and insight. So, pros and cons, amirite? Lol

    Not to completely derail the thread, I'll simply state this.... I'm too 'old school' for twitter etc so I appreciate the fact that you place this stuff at my fingertips. Carry on good Sir.

  4. i may have to turn in my man card for what follows, but....that may be among the cutest pictures I have ever seen....

    Agreed. Great picture.


    How long before this gets turned into a global warming PPP thread?

    Despite the beating you're taking here...I laughed at this.


    That is incredibly cute and I'm not turning in ****. I'm proud to be a man who enjoys the cuteness of animals.

    Everyone 'hails' you. You've nothing to worry about. :flirt:

  5. I'm against this.


    I don't either. Probably just because I'm stubborn... but I'll really hate it the first time the Bills lose a meaningful game on a missed PAT.. or some goofy two point gimmick. I also recognize the obvious arguments about the 'real' football players making plays and winning the games... but it's just my two pennies.

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