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Everything posted by BillsFanM.D.

  1. To borrow a line from one of the 'would ya' threads.... "Is this even a question?" Woodson is a first ballot slam dunk.
  2. Seriously. Nepalm wouldn't fix those things.
  3. This made me laugh. Hopefully not a true double entendre.
  4. That truck was jack-knifing big time. Looks very icy to me but not sure.
  5. I had the Machine Gun Kelly Poster and the "Double Trouble" one with Conlan and Bennett.
  6. Please let us know how things go today. Still praying for him.
  7. Goodness....Everyone has to have a cause. Tell your mom to teach the kids some manners...or etiquette...or basic human decency. Isn't it reasonable to instill some social mores with the kids? Expectations that are consistent with OUR society and culture. Nobody should have to debate whether or not your mom is being insensitive to the one child in the school who might, twenty years from now, travel to a distant land and have a meal. I guess if we can't teach them EVERYONE's minutia/agenda... then we're better off teaching them nothing at all?? What, exactly, is the social workers suggestion here?
  8. Funny. Rework the lyrics to this and you might be on to something.
  9. Whole lot of mental instability there. Wow.
  10. Go with the obvious choice.... Boobie.
  11. Great story re: Moss and his role in this kid's life.
  12. Not to completely derail the thread, I'll simply state this.... I'm too 'old school' for twitter etc so I appreciate the fact that you place this stuff at my fingertips. Carry on good Sir.
  13. Agreed. Great picture. Despite the beating you're taking here...I laughed at this. Everyone 'hails' you. You've nothing to worry about.
  14. I know these guys are busting your stones a bit here....but just keep bringing the information. I like your 'coverage' way better than most media outlets.
  15. I don't either. Probably just because I'm stubborn... but I'll really hate it the first time the Bills lose a meaningful game on a missed PAT.. or some goofy two point gimmick. I also recognize the obvious arguments about the 'real' football players making plays and winning the games... but it's just my two pennies.
  16. Congrats! That's fantastic!!
  17. El Burrito LOCO. Now it all makes sense.
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