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Everything posted by BillsFanM.D.

  1. Growing up in PA it sure is nice to see them back and credible. How many times has JoPa been written off?
  2. Check my post above...Moulds HAS the right to B word...but why take it public after the decision has already been made. Complain in the locker room where it really matters. All he does now is make the decision personal for a guy who, like it or not, is still the future of this franchise. Moulds is essentially calling out JP and upstaging our coach who made it clear this is not to be talked about.
  3. Solid point. Now that you mention it I definitely watch more of ESPNews.
  4. I think given the circumstances and results of the past few weeks there is a high probability McGahee gets the rock 30 times tomorrow. Too bad we didn't start the year that way. Mularkey has to know his PR image is in the toilet right now. He needs to win and to do so he needs to give his best player "the d@mn ball."
  5. ...sounds like a plan.
  6. Thanks for the post and for what you're doing. A little reality on this board keeps things in perspective. What you're doing means everything....football is still a game and we all need to remember that.
  7. So true...then we have to watch that pseudo love-in champagne celebration they have each year. Makes me feel the need to purge.
  8. If it makes you feel any better, I've been staring at that phrase for months and didn't have the guts to ask. I consider myself a bit of a computer/internet idiot so I figured the whole world knew except me. I felt compelled to let you know you weren't alone.
  9. Reading your topic name I thought about something. We all rip ESPN and most sports outlets for their frequent ignorance. But to ignore them....? Remember "sports coverage" used to consist of 5 minutes of an 11 PM newscast each evening. Most of the time, we didn't even get highlights...just scores. ESPN had made sports a much better place. You just have to sift through a bit more garbage.
  10. That did elicit a LOL moment. Losing to the Dolphins most definitely = RJ.
  11. Man ..... for 7:56 on a Saturday morning those are some beautiful thoughts. Running..beer.. and chili. I'll guarantee I'll match you on two of them...let's hope the bills follow through with the third. (Of course, if I eat too much chili, I'll be the one running. )
  12. Exactly. Moulds deserves to crank about this in the locker room and his opinion should be respected. It's probably fair to assume his complaining had a lot to do with the change. There is no need, however, with the decision already made to keep speaking publicly. Especially when the coach (whether you like him or not) has made it clear the "the bills are not speaking about this." The decision was made, he got what he wanted...why persist in presenting the obvious to the press. His comments give the team's (coaches and veterans and?) decision a personal zing that is unnecessary. Whether he feels that way or not, his "we want to win now" commentary set in the backdrop of a QB change clearly calls out JP as the sole reason we have lost 3 of 4. Moulds to be booed? Shouldn't happen. He's been too good to us for too long. I'd like the chance to quietly tell him to shut up though.
  13. To set the scene...picture Morgan Freeman (Shawshank) giving the pregame pep talk this Sunday. "You have a choice...get busy living or get busy dying."
  14. First off...don't insult Stevie Wonder...."the man is a musical genius" Seriously, how the mighty have fallen. That's a fairly ridiculous drop in four weeks. I support Mularkey and thought he did a great job last year. But, honestly, in the last few weeks he's earned that 18%!
  15. To borrow from the Budweiser commercials..............True.
  16. I think a more accurate assesment would be to look at total number of running plays versus passing plays.....the passing yards are almost always going to average more than the running yards. Check % of running plays versus passing plays....not ratio of yards. For example, if a team (starting at their 20) picks up forty yards rushing on 10 plays and then hits a 40 yard TD pass the yardage is equal. The run, in this case, clearly set up the home run pass.
  17. I'll survive...but honestly, your statement has to be (in my opinion) the most profound example our ineptitude that I've read anywhere on this site....and, as we all know, the slop tends to fly freely around here. Go back for yourself and re-read the names you typed (great ones and horrible ones) and consider the context of your sentence. My guess is that you too will fall from the proverbial cliff. The more I read it, the more I realize what a mess we're in right now. Here's looking to the fish for a little redemption....I hope.
  18. I think I just fell off my chair.....I keep reading it and I know it's true....but I would have bet everything in my worldly existence that there was no way that would ever happen after one game; let alone a quarter of the season. In a word.....ouch.
  19. No problem and if you're already feeling better that's a pretty good sign you won't need anything drastic. I agree...the disclaimer is lame.....but if this were to somehow become a lawsuit (you get an ulcer from taking motrin incorrectly or you "misinterpret" my advice or whatever) I could theoretically be liable because I am "trained" and gave advice regarding a specific problem. The biggest joke is the malpractice insurance would never defend me as my advice would be considered as coming from "outside the scope of my practice." I.e. I have no documentation (chart) and my insurance only covers what I do within the bounds of my practice (office or hospital). I love my job and I hate to whine....but this crap is killing the medical field. Regardless, I hope your elbow is raised in glory at the end of Super Bowl 40...or 41...or even 42 would be good!
  20. I'm going to try the things recommended on various sites (anti-inflammatory, keep the arm extended, don't let it bend at night), but if it doesn't get better in a week or two, I should probably go in. I guess I'll throw my hat in the ring since I actually am a doctor. I'm medicine not orthopedics but I see this stuff all the time in the office. With any orthopedic problem you have basically three options: 1. Conservative measures: these include rest, using ice twenty minutes each hour at night to affected area, compression (ace bandage) and elevation if there is significant swelling. Physical therapy also plays a role if indicated here. Therapists are also helpful with braces and slings if appropriate depending on the ortho problem. The most important things are consistent rest and taking anti-inflammatories (motrin, alleve, etc) on a consistent basis for at least 7 days (preferable 10-14). Provided you have no stomach or kidney problems (or medicine interactions) you could take 600mg of motrin with each meal (3x per day) for 7-14 days. Again the main reason you take this is to stop inflammation and to do that you must get a cumulative effect. The pain relief is within a few hours if the medicine is potent enough.....the anti-inflammatory effect takes days however. 2. Non-surgical intervention: this means invasion with out surgery....i.e. injections, aspiration etc. I would certainly defer this (cortisone shot) until you have tried the above for two weeks. 3. Surgical options. Obviously this is way down on the list and only considered if everything is completely exhausted. Good luck and one last thing with nerve problems. If your symptoms are truly of a neurologic source and you have chronic (24/7) symptoms you should certainly seek medical attention. Chronic nerve irritation (numbness, pain etc) leads to nerve death and muscle atrophy which are potentially irreversible. Follow your own advice and see your doc if you don't get better. p.s. Mandatory disclaimer deemed necessary by non-sensical lawsuits: I am writing this as a co-member of Two Bills Drive and not as an individual serving as your own personal physician. Please seek the consultation of your own doctor prior to starting any treatment regimen. What a world......
  21. I'm not saying he makes all the difference but it's obvious GW was a wash and we had an opportunity to get a guy (5 years ago) who is clearly one of the best young coaches in the league. Yes, he would have struggled here for cap reasons but he had issues in Cincy as well. Remember, he did make a cap decision to let a certain linebacker go to Buffalo. So it's not like the guy walked into an ideal situation in cincy. He also made a tough call with a young qb over a vet who was arguably the league mvp (if not comeback player of the year). Both teams have put talent ON the field in the past two seasons (probowlers, good rookies, etc). The difference between GW's bills and MW's bengals is that he actually seems to be working his plan as scheduled. Unfortunately it may have delayed us a year or so.
  22. To borrow a phrase from GW....we simply need to execute better. Yeah whatever....What I was really thinking about is Marvin Williams and how different things could have been. Look at Cincy. They're rolling. Before you flame, I have been and will be a TD supporter. It just stinks that this guy slipped through the cracks. I firmly believe Mularky will get this ship righted (maybe not this year with rookie and no spikes) and I think he's a good coach. I just feel like we wasted 3 years with GW that could have been spent with a winner.
  23. Ditto!
  24. And Mularkey immediately snapped, "Well I guess you know more than I do". Kinda sounds like a schoolground response..."I know you are, but what am I?" Don't go crazy, I like Mularky a lot ...but that's weak.
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