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Posts posted by BillsFanM.D.

  1. Mularkey should change his password from Super Bowl to Toilet Bowl.


    I completely forgot about that. :thumbsup: Perhaps "pride" would be a suitable second choice... since he must be absolutely choking on it by now. His is truly a catastrophic fall from grace in the realm of coaching. I almost feel bad for him.

  2. No more of this 6 year/50 million dollar rookie bullsht.


    Couldn't agree more. Rookie salaries are a joke in the NFL. Unproven players get huge cash while solid vets get squeezed by the cap. It is hard to put limits on some employees and not others but I think it is reasonable here. At least make it very incentive based.

  3. That makes your premise more plausible but the problem is it would never happen. The NFLPA would never agree to that standard in collective bargaining. It would take massive collusion by the owners. I agree that it would certainly keep athletes on edge. It really would be an unfair work environment though. Can you imagine if every workplace was held to a one year standard? It's great unless you're the guy that gets fired/cut/injured....

  4. Unfortunately in a competitive market, someone is always going to offer more. Players get po'd when they are franchised and that one year deal is always a big salary. Players want that big bonus that you can't get with a one year deal. It would work great if you were the only show in town.

  5. Do you really hate this country that much that you would bypass anyone a trial?

    No. I knew I was going to get called on that and I (in clear mind) agree that our system is the best for a reason. that was my quasi-humorous reaction to a hideous tape. Personally having the ladies roll over him with their walkers would be a more fit reward.....after his trial. Along those lines, I'd love to hear the defense his team comes up with based on his actions. "He felt threatened and lashed out at the woman towering over him with the cold steel walker......"

  6. Again, I really believe he was talking about the Ravens. The sentence was, "If you get to a better team with receivers, a quarterback, a line helping out, it's going to be hard to stop everybody." The better team is the Ravens. That's just a fact. When he says "it's going to be hard to stop everybody" he's talking about the Ravens. Yeah, he wasn't happy here and yeah he's glad he's gone and yeah, he's a moron, but in this particular case, I really don't think he was trashing Evans and Losman.


    Granted, there is the perception is reality equation. But Willis is so removed from reality 90% of the time, I don't think you can blame him for it. :ph34r:

    Good discussion and I certainly appreciate a lot of your points but we can agree to disagree on the whole intent of his message. I still feel part is a shot at the bills. Maybe I'm wrong. Gotta run Kelly...my wife is screaming at me to hang curtain rods. Now that's scary.... :(

  7. I have no problem with an athlete saying they're the best (as long as they're in the neighborhood) and I never had a qualm with him saying it. I must admit I thought it was brash at the time but it was ok with me. My problem is "if i had a quarterback, a receiver and ......" Those are completely different issues. One is the classic "I want the ball mentality" which can be admirable. The other is I'm not very good because it's everyone else's fault. Not to mention he if firing across the noses of Lee Evans (1200 yards), Jason Peters and JP to name a few. He is right in part as we were clearly not the best offensive team in the league....but he accepts no part as his own and puts down others to make himself look/feel better. It can't simply be about everyone but Willis.

  8. Bruce Smith was a damn good player prior to the broncos signing him to the offer sheet. As I recall that was one of the longest weeks of my life waiting for Ralph to pony up and match the deal. He was a bit chubby and slack initially but the guy was clearly a stud by his third year. He had 51 sacks in four years leading up to the Broncos signing him. It would have cost them two number ones if the Bills failed to match. Clearly in todays market no team is willing to risk that on our former RB "star."


    I understand what you're saying Kelly. A lot of hypocrisy exists in these commentaries and I'm sure I've been guilty of it to a degree myself. However, Bruce ripping the administration or thurman calling out Kelly as the "weak link on the team" is a far cry from someone who throws ex teammates under the bus after he leaves town. I was not particularly disgruntled with Willis (though I thought the trade was best for many reasons) but I found it impossible to justify him calling out guys after the fact. That's why (and when) i personally got on the willis bashing bandwagon. He trashed everybody after the fact and a lot of those guys don't deserve it (some obviously do). In addition, he accepts no responsibility as his own. As a player, he was solid but not worth our initial investment or time. He may still be very good but we took something instead of nothing next year. Willis should have been accountable and said it while he was here or not at all. It's mickey mouse to do it the way he chose to and that, above all else, is hypocritical.

    McGahee said that his lack of production last season wasn't his fault.


    "My situation wasn't that great," said McGahee, adding that his knee is no longer an issue. "Thank God for getting the 990, to tell you the truth. ... If you get to a better team with receivers, a quarterback, a line helping out, it's going to be hard to stop everybody."

  9. The pass blocking improved dramatically when they switched the lines. The run blocking was horrid the entire year.

    There is some validity to that, but of Willis' top five rushing games last year three were in the last month of the season. Maybe the line improved a little or maybe it supports your statement about just how bad our running game was all year. i.e not much improvement in an overall bad year when you look at the hard numbers. Regardless, you cannot discount Willis' role in this and his running style did little to help a difficult situation. To say that was all horrible blocking is too much of a blanket statement for me. He has to eat some of that responsibility. Another poster (diff thread) mentioned Barry Sanders and the horrible o lines he ran behind and that's a fact. He simply got it done. If willis in THE best RB in the league, as he claims to be, an average line (which we were at season end) should equate to more than a couple good games a year. just my 2 pennies.

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