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Everything posted by BillsFanM.D.

  1. I don't think you can read much into it at all. As noted, it's hard to predict how one might feel 30 or 60 minutes or a few days later. Having said that, some common sense enters the equation: Were he completely goofy and unsteady on his feet.....requiring assistance or even a cart to get to the locker room, I would not be terribly optimistic. Every data point (including how he looks/acts immediately after) is a piece of information. I view his 'running off' as a good sign.....but not proof of anything. Much more 'data' already in hand for the team docs and more to come.
  2. LOL on the analogy! I'm FP by training as well. Did inpt/outpatient for about 15 years and am now part of a large multi specialty group and Vice Chief of staff at a hospital. I'm over 20 years in as well. Definitely more of an administrative role at this point but I still see patients. I, like you, seem to love medicine but I'm not such a big fan of health care. There is a huge distinction there that most people seemingly overlook. That's a crazy story about your neck! 4 levels!! Yikes. Glad you are still able to find a role that uses your education. I've been a Bills fan forever....at least in my head. Born in 71 and loved them since I can remember. I also lurk here most than post but I jump in periodically. Enjoy the season!! Go Bills!!!!!!!
  3. Preach it! I'll second the accuracy. Equally (if not more so) disturbing are the epidural hematomas. That would be very atypical for the type of trauma/headgear involved here....but it reinforces the fact that just because 'everything looks ok at first' doesn't mean it's going to stay that way.
  4. Has to get better for sure but.... Peyton Manning....575 attempts as a rookie....28 picks. Troy Aikman....293 attempts as a rookie....18 picks. (Very similar to Josh over 15 games) Aaron Rodgers was groomed for a few years behind a hall of famer and on a good team. Kaepernick had super bowl talent on his team. Brady....obviously had super talent around him. It is a bit different in fairness. Our D is certainly playing elite but I don't think we have elite offensive talent around Josh. The real question is can he break the trend as Manning and Aikman were able to do.
  5. ...and he was inches away from Edmunds taking a pick six to the end zone. Shoulda, woulda, coulda....but Brady was handled effectively today.
  6. I have one on a Polaris RZR. It could light up a football field. Incredible if you are out in dark areas at night......especially trails.
  7. Get a cardboard cutout of Terry and Kim and strip them naked on the way to the super bowl? Nah....let's just win the whole #$%^@#! thing!
  8. On pace for 4K for the season. 250 and a win every week. I'll take it. In evaluating Allen, you can't discount his elusiveness and running either. It all adds in. He's performing well for a guy with 14ish starts.
  9. Arguably the greatest post ever. LMAO.....FU Jobu....I'll do it myself!
  10. Giants win. At the moment, it helps our SOS tiebreakers. Other than that....meh. Jones looked pretty good though.
  11. my dad died when I was in my late 20's. He never said 'no' to anything that mattered. "Dad...I need your time/help/guidance/support etc." He was an awesome man. Definitely a silent type who spoke volumes with his actions. My mom gave my brother and I everything she could. She always put our needs above her own. I've been blessed in ways they never were but they made sure our family was rich. I was a fortunate kid.
  12. The number of the counting shall be three.
  13. Start at the :30 sec mark. Watch it through and feel the desire to rip someone's head off. And definitely Eye of the Tiger.
  14. Ahhhh....yes. Trent Edwards.
  15. This kid has intuitive leadership....both for his team...and his city. Attention all reporters: Don't disrespect!!
  16. LOL. Right over my head. I'll leave this for myself: "Lighten up Francis!"
  17. Sure....because this thread is so serious.
  18. No need to be confused. Here's the clip. Your original post asked, "How do you like it?" I thought the Teddy KGB response was funny....based on the question.
  19. It is a f!!cking joke anyway....I'm still up like 20 grand from the last time I.....stick it in you. (Teddy KGB)
  20. Prayers up! I've been through a similar situation with my own daughter....congenital heart problem, heart attack and more. I pray for God's peace for all who are hurting in this circumstance....and for healing. We are told to ask...so I will .....for your friend's little one.
  21. Medical advice: Be an interesting person...and a boring patient.
  22. To a certain degree they did. Sammie Smith was a top ten pick and never lived up to that billing (Terrell Davis was a sixth round pick and became the best back in football). The other guys were not memorable at all. Also going off memory....I recall Sammie having a series of fumbles that cost the Dolphins big one season. There is no doubt that those Dolphins were pass heavy...but it also seemed to me that they were perpetually trying to establish...and then abandoning the run game. To that point, Smith was the 'missing link' that was going to finally get Marino a ring. Just never worked out.
  23. they drafted a RB in the first round three times during his career....and another one two years before he arrived. They also drafted O line including Richmond Webb. Broncos just had more success/luck in drafting. I wouldn't say is was lacking as a priority for the Dolphins though.
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