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Everything posted by bingosteve

  1. Yes, but if they did that, they might actually score TDs.
  2. Good thing the Bills has Houston 'pinned" was back on the 10 yard line. Are we sure Buffalo has 11 guys on the field playing defense? (hmm? ...playing defense...NOT....I think I've answered my own question
  3. Don't players "tackle" anymore? Seems they keep hitting, banging, trying to knock people over instead of hauling their ass to the ground.
  4. Fouts doesn't belong in a booth...
  5. yep...Dick is a well....we all know
  6. I am so freakin tired of the poor play, the lack of intensity by this jack-a coach and the seemingly lack of devotion to the game of some of the team. ........
  7. I know a few that would like to call him something..
  8. Duh! Nobody told me you hafta stay behind the line
  9. IMagine if we had a coach and a team???
  10. The Bills haven't had a penalty in the past 2 minutes. Oh, I didn't notice we were in commercial..
  11. Some think the problem is the "water" they drink at the practice field, too.
  12. this was like a 3 STooges movie
  13. NO...it will be a screen pass
  14. Used to watch Cleveland on WBEN in the OLD days.....in Buff....and they deserve this win....
  15. Yes! and NO
  17. How can anyone on that team hold their head up ??????
  19. At this point, I don't think even care anymore. Kelso will sometimes say what he needs to say, but they need to be more honest about how screwed up things are.
  20. Watching and also listening on radio. Wish the radio crew would start being honest....
  21. At least Moorman always comes to play
  22. WTF.... This is absolutely disgusting.......
  23. They might dirty their gloves....
  24. Nice pass....too bad it wasn't to his own team.
  25. Time to go into the VHS archives and watch one of the Bills games from the Gun-Slinger days..
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