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Everything posted by bingosteve

  1. Now that is how to reply to the previous call
  2. The secondary plays any deeper and they can get hotdogs from the endzone hotdog vendor. The D Fence is become Degusting
  4. NOT EDWARDS FAULT??????????????????????????????
  5. They've got to stop those runbacks
  6. Nice gain...almost made the line of scrimmage
  7. Looks like another long year........
  8. Ah....the Bills I know and ..well...The Bills I know
  9. I can agree....but it's done....so....
  10. Go McNabb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( I am a Syracuse fan, too)....
  11. I smell something....oh? It's our defense....
  12. Did the defense show up at this game?
  13. Field Goal attempt...but key penalty ruined it all.....Bills up 3
  14. Game on CBS here in Bingo.....but had no audio...until just a minute ago. Working OK now
  15. Why didn't he toss the challenge??
  16. One good play deserves another total jacked up one....and so it continues....2 point try???
  17. True waste of the clock....is there something in the water that is numbing brains in the Nickel? Hmm? Wait, I used to drink that water...
  18. Time to not fire Dick and the team. Just get rid of them..
  19. Nice pass ....to someone in the stands
  20. The Bills have become a team with no coach, no heart, no drive and no will to win. They play like each time they walk onto the field, it's the first time they've been there. This is a pure disgrace, especially in the 50th year. Used to go to games at the Rockpile and at least there was a toughness and arrogance to the players. These players have lost the will to win.
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