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NY Nole

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Everything posted by NY Nole

  1. I love what Jim Kelly did for this team and will gladly take his money in order to keep the Bills in WNY -- but if he is so high on Tebow, I want him banned from any player evaluation/scouting/drafting department. Tebow is a bullsh%# QB that has been on one of the most stacked teams in recent memory. He threw for a ton of yards when he had Percy Harvin, Louis Murphy and Hernandez. Now - he just has Hernandez and guess what ... his numbers are pretty ho hum (14 TD, 4 int, 1945 yds). BTW -- the injured QB from the "Girl school from FLA" has 14 TD, 7 Int and 2700 yds. As for Kelly's comment about no more QB's from California -- I bet he'd take Tom Brady in a NY minute.
  2. I know there are other topics on Marty Schottenheimer -- but he is on Sirius NFL Radio right now and just said he will not be a coach again. Said his wife was a bit taken back by the report of him being a coach again. Also dismissed any role in a GM capacity. Can we now all stop talking about this guy please!
  3. Disclosure: I went to the same school as our GM and have the same degree.... That said, what did Brandon do to get a reputation as a marketing genius? 1. He moved training camp from Fredonia, NY (population 10,706, 19% of population below poverty line and a healthy drive from Buffalo) to Pittsford, NY (population 27,219, $106,000 median family income and closer to 2 sizeable metro areas)? 2. Signed TO to a one-year contract that was a no-lose situation for the Bills? 3. Installed electronic ribbons around the stadium (to divert your attention from the rest of one of the NFL's oldest stadiums) and installed a new jumbo tron that was paid for by the taxpayers of NY (and half of it is still taken up by ads)? 4. Created a 50th anniversary patch using his laptop's paint program and affixed it to those same god-awful uni's? I really don't know why this "marketing wiz" label stuck. Seems to me you could bring in a trained monkey and achieve similar results. I'm not bitter, just sayin. Bills fans are a loyal breed. They are not buying tickets because of "marketing gimmicks" by the Bills Front Office. They are buying tickets because football is king in Western NY and at $50/gm it's still the best ticket in town.
  4. I don't see Cowher coming back this soon -- but if I were Ralph -- I would offer him the farm to get him in here. He would turn this team full of pansies into a hard-nosed, running football (which is what we need in Buffalo). I like Shanahan, but I always thought his Denver teams were more finesse and less brute force. Still -- I think he could help the offensive attack. Gruden and Holmgren could be a package deal and that is definitely appealing also. Bottom line -- I like this move but agree that we need an established HEAD COACH. I also think this could help us attract a bigger name head coach as those other teams (who will be looking for a head coach after this season) will not be able to talk until the season is over. As for DJ -- he's a good man -- but over-matched as a head coach. It wouldn't surprise me if he emerged as a good D coordinator down the road ala the "good interview" Gregg Williams.
  5. #1 Do you know how to defend against the SCREEN? #2 Do you know how to successfully execute a SCREEN on offense? #3 Do you know how to coach-up a bad QB? #4 Do you know the importance between having a small LB that can't shed blocks but sure is fast vs. a bigger (read normal) LB who could actually be useful in defending against the run? #5 Do you realize that a accepting a holding penalty against the opposing team actually results in the ball being moved backwards 10 yards (in the direction that would be favorable to your team)? #6 Is you first name a male genital reference? #7 Will your offense consist of any/more than one passing play over 10 yards? #8 Do you know what an NFL tackle looks like and would you be willing to acquire one (preferably two) if you get this job? Well -- I'm sure there are many others but that should cover my basics. I have officially joined the "Trent sucks" crowd and am planning to get my card for the "Fire Dick -- immediately" club. I am so sick of watching this crap. I will not boycott the team (as actually having a pro football team in Buffalo is more important to me than the alternative). Please god, let this misery end before I die. I just want to be a fan of a good (hell even decent) football team again. Enough is enough. and, memo to Bills Front Office -- STOP drafting Penn State products -- there is a reason the Big Ten conference sucks.
  6. While I will refrain from saying "Maybin Sucks," I will echo those who think we should have made a different pick. I hated this pick from Day 1 and he is doing nothing to change my image of him. As for the line of thought that says a rookie DE can't make an impact -- see Julius Peppers, Dwight Freeney or even Mario Williams (I know he didn't light things up in terms of sacks -- but he definitely looked like an NFL DE -- unlike our version.) Hell -- even Schobel had 6 sacks or so his rookie campaign. Unless maybin adds substantial weight and strength in the off-season I think he will end up being a slightly more athletic version of Chris Kelsay -- oh boy!
  7. Ok - did not know it was JW that asked the question referenced (although there were plenty others to choose from). First, thanks to John for replying -- classy as usual. However, my rant is not intended for the writers (JW included) to feel that they have to be "negative" or launch an assault on a coach -- especially after a win. My point is that these press conferences are the only opportunity that fans have to see the coach's perspective following a game. There are lots of questions that we (at least I do) have after investing 3-4 hours watching the game on a Sunday. I realize it is not possible to answer every tactical question, nor would he respond to certain ones, but I'd at least like to hear some answers about key play calls or insights about what was developing on the field that the average fan wouldn't know about -- it might even help "blunt some of the criticism that's been heaped on the coach" if we knew why certain things weren't tried or didn't work (like why we only target TO and Lee 5-7 times a game instead of 10-20). As for "fluff pieces" or other stories that focus on different side of the game (ie how coaches handle the pressure of being fired, etc) there is certainly a time and place for that too. I don't know how the NFL handles media access, but I know there are conference calls and PR staff that is charged with getting information -- seems to me quotes of this nature could be readily obtained. (Hell, I read Peter King sends text messages to coaches and players asking for quotes all the time). In lieu of DJ taking fan phone calls (which he'd never do), the beat reporters are the only option fans have to grasp the nuances of the game. I'm not asking you to ask questions in a negative tone or be overly critical (WRG and Buffalo News does a good enough job at that on their own) I'm just hoping for a better idea of how the game was decided on Sunday. You can ask DJ about his favorite color Tuesday through Saturday.
  8. You (collectively) SUCK! Your questions are insignificant at best and border on idiotic. Aside from JW and TG (I respect both for coming on here to discuss), but these press conference questions are really stupid. Example question (paraphrase) "This win came during a really tough time for this team, can you talk about how important/significant that win was?" Response (paraphrase) "It was an important win for this team, we did enough to win, the guys don't quit and we're all happy to get the win." Really? Was this question necessary? Did you think it would not be important or significant? I mean C'mon -- everyone is critical of Dick's quotes -- but if all press conferences include these mindless questions -- I would take the same tactic as DJ and others in giving mindless responses. Oh -- and there were plenty of other useless/redundant questions. From his thoughts on how charming George Wilson is (very much - per Dick) to his thoughts on the giant "Fire Dick" billboards (doesn't have an opinion, glad to get the win). Now I know why the newspaper business is dying a quick death. If this is the best you people have -- time to find something else to do for a living. I mean, there are legitimate questions to ask the head coach in this forum (that I believe fans would want to hear responses for) like: - "Why didn't you use better clock management at the end of the game - aka why didn't you use your 'no-huddle' experience to run 1-2 more plays with 50 seconds left in regulation to be in better position for a game winning field goal" (1 play was run and the clock was left to wind down before the missed field goal at the end). Ok - this question WAS actually asked (sorta) -- just not with very much conviction. - "Why, with the best defensive player for the Jets out of the game (Jenkins), didn't you run more inside to attack the rookie instead of sweeps and tosses?" - "Did you think about going for a TD instead of the FG at the start of the 2nd half?" - "Why are there critical special teams mistakes in every game now?" But alas -- we now know that, in fact, Gibran Hamden would (hypothetically) be responsible for signalling in the plays IF AVP was still calling plays from the booth and Fitzpatrick was the starting QB. Here's to you Bills beat reporters, keep up the good work!
  9. I find it laughable that the racism card is played with such reckless abandon these days. If you don't like someone's politics, they are racist. If someone who might work harder than you, has more than you -- they are obviously racist and have benefited from racist policies. I guarantee you that any NFL player who says they would not play for a Rush Limbaugh-owned team today, would be the first one to stand in line tomorrow for a lucrative free-agent payday if said team was offering. I don't like Rush, am a Republican, and would love it if he brought his money to Buffalo and was committed to keeping the franchise here. One last point -- all those idiots who think Rush Limbaugh made racist comments about Donovan McNabb (who is an arrogant, over-rated QB regardless of his skin color) need to stop drinking the Kool-aid. The comments were an opinion, which he was getting paid to express, and they can be skewed to mean many things to many people. Those who choose to view them as racist will label them such. Those who choose to agree with him, will appreciate them for what they were -- opinions. ESPN and the NFL have serious delusional problems (as well as the black Congresswoman who is similar to an ambulance chasing lawyer for perceived racial injustices.)
  10. We had 58:10 to score a "tying" TD and could not do it. Do you honestly think we could have moved down field in under two minutes? At that point, I was grateful for the sorry game to be over -- but the Browns still tried to give it away by kicking the ball out of bounds. Would have been interesting to see if Manning, Brady or about 20 other decent QB's could have gone 30 yds in the 15-20 seconds that was left. I'd bet they could have positioned it for a legitimate field goal attempt.
  11. After the Pats game, I thought we could split with them in the rematch... After the Bucs game I thought we could take at least one from the Jets... After the NoLa game, I thought we MIGHT get one against the Dolphins but no longer against the Jets or Pats.. After today, I don't give us much of a chance against any divisional foe, hell we will be lucky to beat the Browns. I can't stomach another winless year in the afc east! Terrible game today, very uninspired play.
  12. Nice feature. Now if they could block like a big whale in pass pro we'd be all set! Seriously though, I like the vibe that these guys (especially the rookies) give off.
  13. Actually you and other 'media' are whining. I read your article and watched the replay of that press conference and TO is 100% correct in his assessment -- you (and other media) are trying to goat him. You claim to be looking for his "opinion" of why his streak of receptions came to an end? That is plain rubbish. You are looking for that juicy quote to stir up some controversy and pad your image as a great reporter/blogger that gets the scoop, justify your position with ESPN, sell newspapers or whatever. Just what would have been an acceptable answer to your question on his streak?? What insightful opinions were you looking for? Do you think he is going to recite the plays called and their assignments? Do you think he is going to give you their detailed gameplan? Are you looking for some detailed review of NOLAs coverage schemes? Would you have been happy if he said "Well Trent had to take what was given to him and, unfortunately, my number wasn't called." Hell no -- you wouldn't print any of that because it doesn't have a wide enough appeal for your story. You (and others) are simply looking for something along the lines of "The plays called sucked" or "Trent sucks" or "The Offensive Line sucks." When TO doesn't oblige -- you and others have to make this a story of how TO has it out for the media. Because TO has to have it out for somebody.. right? There was/is no media that is sympathetic to TO. The folks at your laughable outfit ESPN have been non-stop TO bashing since Buffalo signed him (and long before that). Mark Schlereth never says a positive thing about him. Same for other analysts like T.Jackson or Mortensen. ESPN first take has ran headlines every day since TO signing about "how long till this blows up in buffalo?" and now their headlines are "TO blows up in buffalo." Skip Bayless calls him "Team Obliterator." Sports writers from the San Fran media to Philadelphia write countless stories that basically say "We told you so.. same old TO." As for the local media -- TO doesn't care about the Buffalo News, WGR or any other local hack. He goes home, turns on ESPN or other national outlets on his satellite and is reacting to them. Don't fool yourself to thinking the local media is the ire of TO's attention.
  14. Without us folks buying tickets you folks wouldn't have a team to be a fan of. If you find it so bad to support the team there are 31 other teams must be doing things so much better than the bills for you to root for.
  15. Just got home, didn't see it on TBD cause it was buried and noone else had a topic that indicated Butler was out for the year in the title. Normally, I don't start topics for the sake of starting topics. Chill. I'm closing this one after reading the coverage.
  16. Just saw it on ESPN scroll, can anyone confirm? I would think this means we make a serious offer for either Langston or Runyan??
  17. First, I disagree with the actions of these kids but to everyone who thinks fans have become way too out of control need to get a clue. This kinda stuff happens all the time on the high school level in places like Texas and you never hear about it. It is also not a new phenomenon. I remember hearing a story that Paul McGuire told from his playing days in the 60's. He said that following a game (in which the kicker missed a field goal that would have won the game) he was walking down the street with a couple other players and some fans came up to them and beat the hell out of said kicker right on the street. Again - not excusing the actions of these kids (and if I was Leodis, I'd press charges as well) just trying to make people see that this crap has been done before and will be done again.
  18. Great game, now the Bills must step it up to prevent both my teams from dropping their respective season openers. While FSU played uncharacteristic poor defense throughout -- they really screwed up the ending with clock management. 2nd and 2 from inside the 15 with 40 seconds and they were trying to run a whole new formation onto the field -- wasting 20-30 seconds. Did someone notice if Turk Schonert suddenly joined FSU's staff?
  19. Reports speculating he might get cut. If so, I think he would be a nice compliment to FJax and would come cheap as the Browns are still paying a hefty signing bonus for him. Could be a surprise move?
  20. Bobby Ross went 47-33 with the Chargers including a trip to the Super Bowl with Stan Humphries at QB -- thus doing more with less talent than Marty ever did. Would you want Ross too?
  21. TC, You've activated the launch sequence. Don't you know this is not a place for optimism. I hope you've mastered the Jedi mind tricks because you're going against the conventional wisdom that:: our coach sucks, our QB sucks, our Oline sucks, our receiver will melt down, etc.
  22. I guess this post doesn't count then?
  23. Schottenheimer: 5-13 career playoff record (.278). Chump.
  24. Seriously people -- has it come to this. You are honestly rooting for a miserable year so that your team can hold a fire sale and start over, thereby forcing the team to start a new cycle of futility? And, all this is based on meaningless pre-season action? No wonder why Western NY/State of NY is in ruins -- because faced with adversity, people point blame at anyone else and then head for the exits. Maybe Jauron sucks, but if he sucks it's no more so than Shanahan, Gruden, Schottenheimer or any number of other coaches who posters are calling for here. They were all fired for a reason -- their teams were losing and their fans were revolting. Hate to tell you, but this is a game that you or I do not get paid to play, coach or opine about. So chill, sit back and enjoy the team on Sundays. Pretty soon, you won't have a damn team to root for anyways. And...F*@! WGR and the bevy of miserable hosts they employ. -- Done with Rant -- Now you may continue on with your regular whiny, bitchy posts. As an aside, I believe there should be one of those Bud Light commercials for all the Debbie Downy types on this site -- "Here's to you Mr. anonymous sports message board poster guy..."
  25. No one remembers the first place loser (ok except for maybe Bills fans). If Marty were to "build" a playoff contender, only to lose each year -- as been his history --- I am certain the same people saying how great a coach he would be for the Bills would be running him out of town just the same. And who's to say we don't have a playoff-caliber team already here. We need players that step it up when the spotlight is on them, not curl up. Aside from the MNF cowboys game, our players have laid eggs in the national spotlight.
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