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Everything posted by mead107

  1. Love your seats
  2. https://sports.yahoo.com/amphtml/cowboys-cb-trevon-diggs-reportedly-sued-for-250k-by-landlord-over-unpaid-rent-property-damage-035444940.html no wonder he needs his brother
  3. Trade Josh 🙃🪣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  4. Hopefully all is well with him
  5. Is he driving his car to New York?
  6. Local people sell them also.
  7. You sending pictures to that number? hope you have your underwear on. 🙃
  8. I just got done rewatching the halftime show on NFL network. it really was an awesome show.
  9. Chiefs right on Chiefs right onn Chiefs right
  10. What I want to know is why do people complain
  11. So who is going to get score right.
  12. NFC 47 afc 17 maybe the owner of this site will pay the person that gets the score right on $100
  13. Step up your game and become a coach. you could make a lot of money as coach of the Chiefs.
  14. Party at my house $2,500 a person
  15. Manager of the building is a Philly fan. have a relative in Philly that knows the manager
  17. 4 in 132. We not going. For friends
  18. Great tailgate everyone that attended
  19. Awesome wilson will be sent packing after season
  20. Awesome wilson will be sent packing after season
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