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Everything posted by mead107

  1. I like cream cheese on my everything donut
  2. Saturday I think is every day Saturday? may 12 I like long sausages the longer the better i like short wooden stakes I think. I don’t find it hard getting up anymore. I do have problems with my toenails, I never know what color to paint them. I tape them them off with duck tape and spray them with heat paint. hope no short people complain to the mods about my mind blowing problems. I really can’t believe how so many people’s minds are in the gutter during this crazy time when asking some questions on what people enjoy and love to eat. I have some beautiful Tom Brady clothing if some members would like some. I have a big bush that I dug out of the yard of the house he lived in. The new owners were not happy. who is buying the next 518 lunch when is it Who is he ? Next year’s draft pick?
  3. Just killing time till the next 518 lunch when the guy that fires people all the time buys. I am on a fixed income and GE stock has tanked. what day is this? I love good meat. I'm going to do a Chinese meal this week. I hope it is huge. I could go for some good cat. I think mead has become a nut case. one fish ? two fish ? three ? I like boats I like my neighbors I just love love ? everyone I need to turn a new leaf I turned one over last month it was in the driveway can you eat mice? can you eat chipmunks? how about the redheaded woodpecker? I had a huge pork chop tonight head back to New York tomorrow. Anyone need any patriots clothing ? if I’m in funk next time I see or talk to any of you please help me pull my head out of my butt. see you all next football ? season 2021. love you ? all
  4. New tower going up in town. Will end when it is working.
  5. Only saves $20 to drop it from spectrum
  6. Still have a land line. Sometimes our cellphone are not great. Town putting in cell tower later this year.
  7. Back when GE paid for us to join the Y I did have a slight pull.
  8. Have you ever pulled the string at the Y ?
  9. Why give him any punishment with all that is going on?
  10. I want money back on my tickets. If the Bills take a knee. I don’t want to pay to watch a protest. I don’t care what the reason.
  11. Have to add Shaw66 and Poojer along with the Dean ice was great.
  12. Bernie Sanders Hillary Clinton Joe Biden Andrew Cuomo Tom Brady
  13. Our Medicare and a supplement cost a lot. even when I worked at ge still had a cost for insurance. Not free. better healthcare for all would be great. I’m more right than left but, do see both sides. just wish the Democrats would have picked a younger person.
  14. yes some good points. We can and must work together. need good honest community groups to come up with good ideas on what needs to be changed. Then work with local governments. And county and state. One of the Best place to start is set term for Congress and the senate. They make the laws. also lower their pay and no pension. health care should be same as ours. it should not be a life time job. We need to get younger in the government with fresh ideas. we can define the problem but, laws have to pass at all levels of government. Old people need to retire.
  15. Why now. 10 years he could have made a difference. let’s start fresh with someone that really wants to make a difference. mr idiot blaming everyone but himself. goes for a lot of the leaders on both sides.
  16. Our governor Cuomo could have put a lot more money into poor districts. now all of a sudden he cares.
  17. Love ❤️ love ? ? everyone
  18. How about everyone has to have a chip put in their brain that will keep everyone from killing. come on Bill Gates
  19. https://www.forbes.com/sites/kamranrosen/2019/06/25/where-the-top-democratic-primary-candidates-call-home/amp/
  20. Has she done any get togethers with police and poor communities to help out?
  21. Maybe they should play for the Bills. not a very hard push and knocked him down, just think what they could do using all their mussels. ??
  22. Can we start a law suit to get rid of the term Black lives matter? should be ALL LIVES MATTER. MAYOR in DC should change the road painting.
  23. Venezuela here we come. Democrats can’t wait to get us there.
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