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Everything posted by jimshiz

  1. What does justice have to do with taking something that is spelled out in the Bible as a sin and accepting it as though it were not a sin? Since when is popular opinion what goes? Yes, Jesus loves even you...
  2. No, it's not just me. I assume the UCC is "Christian"; therefore they believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God. Therefore it is a "sin"; it is black and white, no doubt about it. It is NOT my religious views, it is what God commanded. Calling yourself a Christian or Christian Church and allowing "gay marriage" would be an oxymoron equivalent to referring to your gay lifestyle as "marriage".
  3. So, if your father owns a grocery store, you can't be a stock boy? If you are related to the Mayor, you can't hold a city position? Ditto for County Executive & county, Governor & state, President & federal government. Are these people actually doing the job or are they simply collecting a check for showing up (or not)? Does it matter if there is a direct or indirect reporting chain to the top?
  4. BEST = George W. Bush WORST = Jimmy Carter
  5. The Roman Catholic Religion is often very different than the human beings, priests and elders of the church, who manage it on a local parish or diocese level. It is unfortunate what some humans do while they "represent" the religion. But, please don't condemn an entire religion due to human frailties.
  6. The campaign slogan for Barney the Dinosaur is "lottery winnings taxed at 99.5%; I love you, you love me, the government needs more money".
  7. Oh, I hope he never stops. And I don't want the leadership on "my side" to stop what they are doing either. It is all as it should be.
  8. And these stories restore my faith that I have been and always will be on the "right side of politics" (if I really have to choose sides): http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?...&type=printable http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...0800650_pf.html
  9. I actually wonder when foreigners say that Americans are "out of touch" on certain issues. But, this stupid story restores my faith that I am completely in touch with the realities of life: http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20050608/lf_af...on_050608142956
  10. What is wrong with having a law that forbids parents (for one) from providing illegal drugs to children?
  11. I don't agree with the "sentencing guidelines" part; but, what is wrong with having a law that forbids parents (for one) from providing illegal drugs to children?
  12. Does anybody want to respond with a comment about the "truthfulness" of the original article I linked or to my sarcastic thesis that "the news media is not biased"? I put in another response trying to see if anyone would see the truth for what it is regardless of who the messenger was. But, most just decided to attack the author of the article.
  13. If someone you dislike tells the TRUTH, is it the truth or a lie? If someone you like tells a LIE, is it a lie or the truth?
  14. http://story.news.yahoo.com/s/ucac/2005051...membered/nc:742
  15. 1) banning military recruiters from schools hurts volunteer enrollment 2) weak volunteer enrollment means current enrollment must pick up the slack 3) current enrollment picking up the slack could mean longer deployment campaigns 4) longer deployment campaigns hurts the morale of current enrollment 5) hurting the morale of current enrollment is NOT supportive of the troops Therefore, banning military recruiters from schools is NOT supportive of the troops!
  16. NO !!! Banning military recruiters from more and more high schools and colleges will eventually hurt our ability to stand up an Army that will in turn make us weaker. WHY ban military recruiters from high school or college AT ALL?
  17. This is why our country will soon be ripe for take over by our enemies: http://www.csmonitor.com/2005/0518/p02s01-ussc.html LOVE IT, OR LEAVE IT !!!
  18. Like when Cheney told that Senator to F--- OFF !!!
  19. I can't believe that I'm listening to the audio; but within just about 5 minutes she is complaining that "Tony Perkins is comparing the judiciary to terrorists" which she equates with "threatening judges lives". Tony Perkins is president of the Family Research Council. So, she is OUTRAGED that someone is "threatening judges lives"; yet she opens with a commercial of an AAARP (the extra 'A' is for "armed") member threatening the life of the president.
  20. You are RIGHT! I retract my statement that "God IS the highest authority in the justice system" because I would NOT introduce a bill as you described.
  21. NO !!! I brought up the 6th Amendment because he asked if I believe in the "right to a fair trial"!
  22. I actually don't have a problem with people "interpreting" that the 1st Amendment means "separation of church & state" for laws; but only if they really meant it. If that phrase were true, then why does the "state" always get involved in issues of religion? A public school teacher wants to wear a cross; a boy scout troop wants to meet in a public park; someone wants to put up a nativity scene; someone wants to display the 10 commandments and in order to try to be fair & tolerant they display them with other historic documents; etc.
  23. I know that he was talking about Article VI of the Constitution about the "religious test"; but I was referring to the 6th Amendment because of the phrase "impartial jury" and my thinking that would imply a "fair trial".
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