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Everything posted by USMCBillsFan

  1. Maybe he could hire Kevin Bacon to find him....
  2. That's total and utter bull sh--. The Giants were 5-2 under Warner and had the second best record in the NFC. Now considering the strength of the NFC this year the Giants could've been a ligitimate super bowl contender. If you're going to spit out some kind of obscure "fact" to try and justify the fact that we should've started Losman then at least make it somewhat realistic.
  3. I agree. I think he has the mentorship he needs to be a great one. He's got all the tools and now just needs experience and leadership from the veterans on our secondary.
  4. I was disgusted by that. So what did I do? This afternoon I went to the field on base and had a friend hold a football. I kicked 7 out of 10 from 40 yards. Yes, it was just me and him and not 80,000 watching and a defense bearing down but hell, I'm just a Marine who played qb and safety in high school. Other than a few years of soccer I've never kicked. So that should tell you how pathetic Lindell is. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, I'm 35.....
  5. IMHO Mattingly was screwed!!! :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: voters.....
  6. And Evans made the All Rookie team....
  7. Agreed. While we questioned a lot of his calls during the season I, for one, will admit that I forgot he was a "rookie head coach" at times. I think he did a great job as well and look forward to next year.
  8. You'd do her.....
  9. You forgot one of the most important things. He didn't miss the EASY field goal either.....
  10. I never said that people couldn't post their opinion. I just posted one of my own so if you didn't like it then why don't you keep it to yourself. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: Oh and by the way, your sentence should say "opinions and beliefs".
  11. And if Buffalo was in the exact same position they would've done the same thing. It would've been ok then. Who cares that he came out and said something that we all already knew? Give me a break.
  12. How about "Lindell misses KEY chipshot fieldgoal"..... Did all of you forget the true turning point and change of momentum in the game? That miss took the life out of our team.
  13. This is going to be a long ass offseason having to read 2 million "Drew sucks and should be benched" threads. How about we give it a rest for a while and see what happens when camp opens. I trust the coaches to have an open competition going into camp and starting the quarterback that gives us the best chance to win next year.
  14. I agree with you 100% We put together a solid final 2/3 of the season. I for one am not at all ashamed of going 9-3 over the last 12. Most didn't have us doing anything this year anyway and we surprised a lot of people. New coaching staff and many new faces and we did well. Does it sting that we missed the playoffs this year? Yes it does but did we end the season with many positives to grow on for next year? Yes to that as well. Thank you Bills for at least making the season exciting and giving me a reason to watch or listen on Sundays.
  15. Well put. We had a lot more problems on the field yesterday than Drew. Personally I thought the missed field goal was the turning point. He makes it, we're up 4 and Drew may not be passing on the play (fumble)...
  16. I'll pull for the Colts. Only for Manning. I think he deserves to win one.
  17. Are you for real? The Sox payroll is the second highest and you're bitching about the Yankees? You are rediculous! :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: If the Yankees didn't have a winning product and tradition then none of the other revenue you speak of would matter. If the Yankees didn't win consistently then they wouldn't have the support they get. Success breads dollars and dollars bread success. So don't get all high and mighty as a Sox fan talking about the Yankees payroll when theirs is also way higher than 90% of baseball. And to think that you can't be a Bills fan and Yankees fan is even more idiotic. You're from Boston area right? Oh, that explains it.
  18. Doesn't matter how many times I watch that, it always makes me laugh my ass off.
  19. Agreed and let's not forget prayers for all the service members fighting overseas as well.
  20. Man, I saw the thread title and thought there'd be a nice picture of Angelina Jolie or something.... Not the DSL's I was expecting....
  21. If Sox fans aren't jealous then why do they continually bring things the Yankees do up? If all you have to do is bask in your glory then I guess I can say that I'm basking in the glory of winning 4 out of the last 8. So we were one pitcher away from a sweep of the sox. Big deal, you got us this year but we'll see what happens next.
  22. First I don't see it as a joke that GS chooses to put his dollars back into his franchise rather than in his pocket. I love it! Jealous haters!! Second, the Red Sux will NOT repeat....That statement is the most comical of all.
  23. SDS, can you do this for me as well? I can't upload anything now either.
  24. My avatar is dicked up now too. I tried everything as well. Now all I have is a red x as well.
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