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Everything posted by USMCBillsFan

  1. Does it partially load? Mine does that too. If it does that click on the first link at the very bottom of the page. This should open up and maybe you can go from there. On my computer at work I get a "backgroud" and nothing else but the words at the bottom.
  2. I hope this guy doesn't work around weapons!! What a spaz....
  3. He "kicks" ass in concert. I'll tell you that.
  4. No worries. I do it because it makes me proud to. I've been back for 6 months now and can't wait to go to Iraq in August. The only thing that sucks about that is I'll have to miss all the Bills games next year.
  5. Another proud product of the Ma. public edumication system....
  6. Like I said. Personally I think it's funny. All I can say is Boston fans, enjoy this year.....
  7. I agree with you but all I'm saying is that some people on this board seem to think that the Yankees would be NOTHING with a salary cap. I simply disagree. I don't think that EVERY big name free agent or superstar would play for the Yankees just because. What I'm saying is that ALL things considered the Yankees would still draw big time players.
  8. Yeah I know. Chokees, spankees.... Very amusing.
  9. Very good show. You have to watch them all though or it's EASY to get lost with that one.
  10. You are funny. Another Boston fan who refuses to enjoy this year because it will be the last one for a long time. Already making up excuses for next year..... Reread your post. Makes no sense.
  11. If you want something for work then you have two choices. You can get the boombox which isn't that big. Or you can listen through your computer. The government computers have every block and firewall imaginable but I am listening to it right now.
  12. That wouldn't happen Steve. If the salary cap was set at 90 million then there is no way in hell that one player would be offered 11 million. That's my point. Being able to don the pinstripes and be a Yankee would still attract superstars. Everybody is going to be on the same sheet so you don't think players would want to be a part of the history and tradition of the Yankees? I do. Just my opinion though. But I would still support a salary cap. The Yankees were winning long before I was born and long before GS was born too so I feel confident they would continue to do so.
  13. It looks like something portable. Otherwise it wouldn't have the antenna attached. Looks a little too bulky to jog with or exercise with though.
  14. I'm a Yankee fan and would support a salary cap too. I'm confident that players would still want to be Yankees based of prestige, tradition and the history of the New York Yankees. Like it or not we are the most storied franchise in baseball history with or without a 200+ million dollar payroll.
  15. Steve, I have Sirius also and I don't believe that they have a "walkman" yet. I have noticed though that the new radios are smaller than the one I have in my truck. I believe the walkman is in the works though. No link, I just remember reading it somewhere.
  16. Marines help wherever needed.... I'd much rather read this than that !@#$ that went desertion AGAIN!!
  17. Interesting. I wonder what all the Drew bashers are going to say about our greatest qb ever backing Drew over JP....
  18. Didn't she make a comment about her brother "finding a new boyfriend"? I guess he's gay... The Iraqi is going to be tapping that ass soon, (if she lives long enough)...
  19. Nevermind. After I typed it out and looked at it, it's pretty obvious...
  20. What exactly is "Lamp"? Does that make it a "look at me" post??
  21. I think in NC being fat is justification for a handicap plate. I get so pissed. I was Christmas shopping and saw an elderly woman with a walker have to walk 50 feet to a store while three fat ass people got out of their cars after putting their little tag on the mirror and walking comfortably into the store. It's like they hide their tag until it's convenient for them to use it. Pisses me off.
  22. Seal and Heidi Klum?? She's so fine and he's so........ WTF???
  23. Would you be pissed if we (the Bills) did that to New England in a game?
  24. All the performers were horrible last night. Ashlee's dancing was pretty funny though.
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